Chief Executive: Ho Iat Seng
Administration and Justice Secretary: André Cheong Weng-chon
Столица: No data
Языки: Cantonese 83.3%, Mandarin 5%, Hokkien 3.7%, English 2.3%, other Chinese dialects 2%, Tagalog 1.7%, Portuguese 0.7%, other 1.3%
note: Chinese and Portuguese are official languages (2011 est.)
Статистическое агентство
Население, человек: 718 867 (2023)
Площадь, кв км: 33
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США: 67 477 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США: 45,8 (2023)
Индекс Джини: No data
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business: No data
Наборы данных
Unemployed by sex, age and type of employment sought (1 000)
Unemployed persons by HRST category and age
Unemployed persons by HRST category and sex
Unemployment by sex and age - annual average
Unemployment by sex and age - annual average, 1 000 persons (discontinued)
Unemployment by sex and age - monthly average
Unemployment by sex and age - monthly average, 1 000 persons (discontinued)
Unemployment by sex and age - quarterly average
Unemployment by sex and age - quarterly average, 1 000 persons (discontinued)
Unemployment by sex and age (discontinued)
Unemployment by sex and age (thousands)
Unemployment by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (thousands)
Unemployment by sex and categories of unemployed persons (thousands)
Unemployment by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Unemployment by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Unemployment by sex, age and duration (thousands)
Unemployment by sex, age and duration of unemployment (1 000)
Unemployment by sex, age and duration of unemployment (1 000)
Unemployment by sex, age and education (thousands)
Unemployment by sex, age and educational attainment - annual averages
Unemployment by sex, age and educational attainment - quarterly data
Unemployment by sex, age and other typologies
Unemployment by sex, age and type of employment sought (1 000)
Unemployment by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
Unemployment by sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
Unemployment by sex, age, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
Unemployment by sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
Unemployment by sex, age, duration of unemployment and distinction registration/benefits (%)
Unemployment rate
Unemployment rate - quarterly data, seasonally adjusted
Unemployment rate by age
Unemployment rate by educational attainment level (Discontinued)
Unemployment rate by sex and age (%)
Unemployment rate by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (%)
Unemployment rate by sex, age and education (%)
Unemployment rate by sex, age, educational attainment level and work experience while studying
Unemployment rate of people by type of disability, sex and age
Unemployment rates by sex and age (discontinued)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and citizenship (%)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and country of birth (%)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and degree of urbanisation (%)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and educational attainment level (%)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and educational attainment level (%)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and nationality (%)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and other typologies
Unemployment rates by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
Unemployment rates by sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
Unemployment rates by sex, age, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
Unemployment rates by sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
Unemployment rates of the population aged 25-64 by educational attainment level
Unemployment rates of young people not in education and training by sex, educational attainment level and years since completion of highest level of education