Население, человек:5 785 791 (2024)
Площадь, кв км:10 230
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США:3 654 (2022)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США:21,0 (2022)
Индекс Джини:31,8 (2011)
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business:143
Наборы данных
ENP countries: Trade by commodity (SITC)
EU imports from developing countries by country income groups
EU Imports from developing countries by group of products (discontinued)
EU Imports from developing countries by income group (discontinued)
EU imports from least-developed countries by group of products (discontinued)
EU trade since 1995 - quarterly data (discontinued)
EU27 trade (without UK) by SITC product group (discontinued)
EU27 trade by SITC product group since 1999 (discontinued)
EU28 trade by SITC product group (discontinued)
Euro area18 trade by SITC product group since 1999 (discontinued)
Euro area19 trade by SITC product group since 1999
Exports of goods - chemicals and related products
Exports of goods - food, drinks and tobacco
Exports of goods - machinery and transport equipment
Exports of goods - mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials
Exports of goods - other manufactured products
Exports of goods - raw materials
Exports of goods - total
Exports of high technology products as a share of total exports, SITC Rev. 4 - %
Extra EU trade of raw materials (SITC 2+4), by partner
Extra-EU trade by partner
Extra-EU trade of chemicals and related products (SITC 5) by partner
Extra-EU trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1) by partner
Extra-EU trade of machinery and transport equipment (SITC 7) by partner
Extra-EU trade of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (SITC 3) by partner
Extra-EU trade of other manufactured goods (SITC 6+8) by partner
Extra-EU27 trade of chemicals and related products (SITC 5), by Member State (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade of chemicals and related products (SITC 5), by main partners (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1), by Member State (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1), by main partners (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade of machinery and transport equipment (SITC 7), by Member State (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade of machinery and transport equipment (SITC 7), by main partners (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (SITC 3), by Member State (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (SITC 3), by main partners (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade of other manufactured goods (SITC 6+8), by Member State (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade of other manufactured goods (SITC 6+8), by main partners (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade of raw materials (SITC 2+4), by Member State (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade of raw materials (SITC 2+4), by main partners (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade, by main partners, total product (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade, by Member State, total product (discontinued)
Extra-EU27 trade, by product group (discontinued)
Extra-EU28 trade of chemicals and related products (SITC 5), by Member State
Extra-EU28 trade of chemicals and related products (SITC 5), by main partners
Extra-EU28 trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1), by Member State
Extra-EU28 trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1), by main partners
Extra-EU28 trade of machinery and transport equipment (SITC 7), by Member State
Extra-EU28 trade of machinery and transport equipment (SITC 7), by main partners
Extra-EU28 trade of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (SITC 3), by Member State
Extra-EU28 trade of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (SITC 3), by main partners
Extra-EU28 trade of other manufactured goods (SITC 6+8), by Member State
Extra-EU28 trade of other manufactured goods (SITC 6+8), by main partners
Extra-EU28 trade of raw materials (SITC 2+4), by Member State
Extra-EU28 trade of raw materials (SITC 2+4), by main partners
Extra-EU28 trade, by main partners, total product
Extra-EU28 trade, by Member State, total product
Extra-EU28 trade, by product group
Extra-euro area (EA18) trade, by main partners, total product (discontinued)
Extra-euro area (EA18) trade, by product group (discontinued)
Extra-euro area (EA19) trade, by main partners, total product
Extra-euro area (EA19) trade, by product group
Extra-Euro area trade by partner and by SITC product group
IMF Export Diversification and Quality Databases
Imports of goods - chemicals and related products
Imports of goods - food, drinks and tobacco
Imports of goods - machinery and transport equipment
Imports of goods - mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials
Imports of goods - other manufactured products
Imports of goods - raw materials
Imports of goods - total
International trade by SITC - 1 000 EUR
International trade of chemicals and related products (SITC 5), by reporting country (discontinued)
International trade of EFTA and enlargement countries
International trade of EU, the euro area and the Member States by SITC product group
International trade of food, drinks and tobacco (SITC 0+1), by reporting country (discontinued)
International trade of machinery and transport equipment (SITC 7), by reporting country (discontinued)
International trade of mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (SITC 3), by reporting country (discontinued)
International trade of other manufactured goods (SITC 6+8), by reporting country (discontinued)
International trade of raw materials (SITC 2+4), by reporting country (discontinued)
International trade, by reporting country, total product
Intra and Extra-EU trade by Member State and by product group
Intra-EU27 trade, by Member State, total product (discontinued)
Intra-EU28 trade, by Member State, total product