Population (persons):417000 (2017)
Area in (2012)
Population Density (persons/,00 (2017)
Total Fertility Rate (children/women):3,6 (2017)
Sex Ratio:95,96 (2005)
Total Dependency Ratio:86,5 (2017)
Literacy Rate (%):61,6 (2005)
Primary Education Completed (%):11,7 (2005)
Lower Secondary, Completed (%):3,5 (2005)
Upper Secondary, Completed (%):1,9 (2005)
Unemployment Rate (%):0,1 (2005)
Number of Households:66100 (2017)
Poverty Ratio:36,3 (2008)
Labor Force
Agriculture & Live Stocks
Season Rice, Harvested Area (Ha)
Season Rice, Production (Ton)
Maize, Harvested Area (Ha)
Maize, Production (Ton)
Vegetable and Bean, Harvested Area (Ha)
Vegetable and Bean, Production (Ton)
Peanut, Harvested Area (Ha)
Peanut, Production (Ton)
Soybean, Harvested Area (Ha)
Soybean, Production (Ton)
Tobacco, Harvested Area (Ha)
Tobacco, Production (Ton)
Cotton, Harvested Area (Ha)
Cotton, Production (Ton)
Coffee, Harvested Area (Ha)
Coffee, Production (Ton)
Number of Buffaloes (Th. heads)
Number of Cattles (Th. heads)
Number of Poultry (Th. heads)
Number of Pigs (Th. heads)
Number of Goats And Sheeps (Th. heads)
Number of Culture fish (Tons)
Number of Capture fish (Tons)
Household & Living Condition
Number of Households
Average Household size
Average Size of Living Area in the Dwelling Unit
Coal, used for Cooking
Electricity, used for Cooking
Gas, used for Cooking
Wood Coal, used for Cooking
Modern Toilet
Normal Toilet
Piped water in/out side, <500m
Mountain source, <500m
River, stream or dam, <500m
Rain water from tank, <500m
Well/Borehole protected, <500m
Well/Borehole unprotected, <500m
Tenure Status, Lodger
Tenure Status, Owner/Purchaser
Tenure Status, Tenant
Type of Roof, Grass
Type of Roof, Tile/Sipax
Type of Roof, Wood
Type of Roof, Zinc
Type of Floor, Ceramic/tile
Type of Floor, Concrete
Type of Floor, Wood
Type of Wall, Bamboo
Type of Wall, Brick/Concrete
Type of Wall, Wood