Norte de Santander
Gov Website
First Person:William Villamizar Laguado (Governor)
Population (persons):1 228 028 (2005)
Area in (2005)
Population Density (persons/,70 (2005)
Number of Births:20 849 (2005)
Life expectancy at birth:70,93 (2005)
Maternal mortality rate:65,8 (2004)
Infant mortality rate:25,0 (2005)
Domestic violence rate:184,0 (2005)
Net primary education coverage (rate):68,2 (2003)
Net secondary education coverage (rate):44,5 (2003)
Dropout, Primary (Rural):11,0 (2002)
Dropout, Secondary (Rural):9,4 (2002)
Net Primary Education Coverage
Net Secondary Education Coverage
Illiteracy Rate
Avg Test Results in Math know, Primary
Avg Test Scores know Science, Primary
Avg Test Results know the Social Sciences, Primary
Avg Test Scores know Language, Primary
Avg Test Results in Math know, Secondary
Avg Test Scores know Science, Secondary
Avg Test Results know the Social Sciences, Secondary
Avg Test Scores know Language, Secondary
Dropout, Rural Primary
Dropout, Rural Secondary
Infant Mortality Rate, Estimated
Infant Mortality Rate, Estimated, Male
Infant Mortality Rate, Estimated, Female
Life Expectancy at birth
Life Expectancy at birth, Male
Life Expectancy at birth, Female
Maternal Mortality Rate
Prevalence of Diarrhea in Children Under 5 Years
Number of Maternal Deaths
Number of Violent Deaths
Violent Deaths by Homicide
Median Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding
Births Attended by Skilled Health Personnel, Doctor
Births Attended by Skilled Health Personnel, Nurse
% of Births that took place in a Health Facility
% of Women who have Heard of Aids, Female
% of Teenagers who have Children or are Pregnant
Number of Deaths Associated with HIV/AIDS
Number of Accidents with Landmines or UXO
Acute Malnutrition (< 5 years)
Chronic Malnutrition (< 5 years)
Reported Cases of HIV/AIDS