Output of Meat

40,0 (10,000 Tons) in 2021

Output of Meat refers to the total meat production of a variety of livestock and poultry, rabbits and other animals in the survey period. The meat production of pigs, cattle, sheep, horses, donkeys, mules, camels is calculated according to carcass weight with flesh and blood after removing the head and foot. Rabbit poultry production is calculated according to slaughtered weight after removing the hair and internal organs.The meat production of four varieties of livestock and poultry including pig, cattle, sheep and bird is obtained through the major livestock monitoring sample surveys.The meat production of horses, donkeys, mules, camels and rabbit is obtained from comprehensive statistics, and other meat production of special breeding is obtained from household survey data.

Дата Значение Изменение , %
2021 40,0 8,07%
2020 37,0 -0,98%
2019 37,4 2,40%
2018 36,5 3,48%
2017 35,3 -2,06%
2016 36,0 3,74%
2015 34,7 4,05%
2014 33,4 4,97%
2013 31,8 4,38%
2012 30,5 5,66%
2011 28,8 1,95%
2010 28,3