Languages:Swahili, English
First Person:Mohamud Mohamed Ali (Governor)
Population (persons):447150 (2019)
Area in 923,10 (2019)
Population Density (persons/,68 (2019)
Crude Birth Rate (per 1000 population):84,0 (2016)
Unemployment Rate, 15-64 years (%):10,3 (1999)
Number of HouseHolds:77495 (2019)
Gross Attendance Ratio, Primary (number):37843,3 (2006)
Gross Attendance Ratio, Secondary (number):15901 (2006)
Pupil Teacher Ratio (%):32,1 (2000)
Primary School Enrolment:60196 (2018)
Secondary School Gross Enrolment:8114 (2018)
Infant Mortality Rate (deaths per 1000 live births):42,0 (2009)
Under-five Mortality Rate (deaths per 1000 live births):51 (2009)
Population with Fever/Malaria (%):44,0 (2006)
Poverty Rate (%):55,6 (2016)