Capital city:Québec City
Location:Eastern part of Canada
- Lieutenant Governor:J. Michel Doyon
- Premier:Philippe Couillard
Official Website
Population, persons:8439325 (2018)
Land area, square km.:1 356 547,0 (2011)
Population density, persons per square km.:6,2 (2018)
Urban population, % of population:81,0 (2011)
GDP, millions of dollars at current prices:328687,5 (2017)
GDP per capita, dollars at current prices:44 499,3 (2013)
Manufacturing sales, $ millions:145 998,6 (2014)
Private and public capital expenditures, $ millions:68 547,6 (2014)
Retail trade, $ millions:109 041,1 (2014)
Employed labour force, persons:4223300 (2017)
Earnings, average weekly, current dollars:849,5 (2014)
Наборы данных
Aquaculture economic statistics, value added account, Canada
Aquaculture, production and value, Canada
Area, Production and Farm Gate Value of Marketed Fruits, Canada
Area, production and farm gate value of vegetables, Canada
Area, Production and Farm Value of Potatoes, Canada
Estimated areas, yield, production of corn for grain and soybeans, using genetically modified seed, Quebec and Ontario, in metric and imperial units, Canada
Estimates of field-grown cut flowers area, production and sales, Canada
Estimates of greenhouse total area and months of operation, Canada
Estimates of nursery area, Canada
Estimates of sod area, sales and resales, Canada
Estimates of specialized greenhouse operations, greenhouse area, and months of operation, Canada
Farm input price index, quarterly, Canada
Farm product prices, crops and livestock, Canada
Farm supply and disposition of grains, Canada
Fertilizer shipments to Canadian agriculture and export markets, by product type and fertilizer year, cumulative data
Fertilizer shipments to Canadian agriculture markets, by nutrient content and fertilizer year, cumulative data
Fowl and chicken meat production, weight and farm value, Canada
Placement of chicks and turkey poults for production, Canada
Producer Deliveries of Major Grains, Canada
Production and disposition of eggs, Canada
Production and sale of greenhouse flowers and plants, Canada
Production and value of greenhouse vegetables, Canada
Production and value of honey, Canada
Production and value of maple products, Canada
Production of butterfat, Canada
Production of concentrated milk products, Canada
Production of selected butter products, Canada
Production of selected dairy products, Canada
Production, disposition and farm value of poultry meat, Canada
Sheep statistics, quantity of wool purchased, used on farms, price and farm value, Canada
Sheep statistics, supply and disposition of sheep and lambs, Canada
Specialized greenhouse producers' operating expenses, Canada
Stocks of frozen and chilled meats, domestic and imported, in cold storage, quarterly, Canada
Stocks of frozen eggs and edible dried eggs, Canada
Stocks of frozen poultry meat, Canada
Stocks of grain and oilseeds at March 31, July 31 and December 31, Canada
Stocks of specified dairy products, Canada
Supply and disposition of corn, Canada
Supply and disposition of mink and fox on fur farms, Canada