Capital city:Québec City
Location:Eastern part of Canada
- Lieutenant Governor:J. Michel Doyon
- Premier:Philippe Couillard
Official Website
Population, persons:8439325 (2018)
Land area, square km.:1 356 547,0 (2011)
Population density, persons per square km.:6,2 (2018)
Urban population, % of population:81,0 (2011)
GDP, millions of dollars at current prices:328687,5 (2017)
GDP per capita, dollars at current prices:44 499,3 (2013)
Manufacturing sales, $ millions:145 998,6 (2014)
Private and public capital expenditures, $ millions:68 547,6 (2014)
Retail trade, $ millions:109 041,1 (2014)
Employed labour force, persons:4223300 (2017)
Earnings, average weekly, current dollars:849,5 (2014)
Наборы данных
Area, Production and Farm Value of Potatoes, Canada
Average net program payments and average net market income of farms, by farm type, Canada
Average net program payments and average net market income of farms, Canada
Average off-farm income and average net operating income of farm operators by revenue class, Canada
Average operating revenues and expenses of farms by revenue class, Canada
Average operating revenues and expenses of farms, by farm type, Canada
Average total income of farm families by income quintile, Canada
Average total income of farm operators by farm type, Canada
Average total income of farm operators by income quintile, Canada
Farm Capital, Operating Revenues and Operating Expenses, Census of Agriculture Historical Data, Canada
Farm cash receipts, Canada
Farm Debt Outstanding, classified by lender, Canada
Farm families and average total income by typology group, unincorporated sector, provinces, Canada
Farm financial survey, capital investment and capital sales of farms, average per farm (gross farm revenue equal to or greater than $10,000), Canada (discontinued)
Farm financial survey, financial structure by farm type, average per farm (gross farm revenue equal to or greater than $10,000), Canada (discontinued)
Farm financial survey, financial structure of farms by revenue class, average per farm (gross farm revenue equal to or greater than $10,000), Canada (discontinued)
Farm income in kind, Canada
Farm input price index (2002=100), Canada (discontinued)
Farm input price index, quarterly, Canada
Farm operating expenses, Canada
Farm product price index (FPPI), Canada
Farm product prices, crops and livestock, Canada
Farms Classified by Operating Arrangement, Census of Agriculture Historical Data, Canada
Farms Classified by Total Farm Area, Census of Agriculture Historical Data, Canada
Farms classified by total gross farm receipts, 2015 constant dollars, historical data, Canada
Financial ratios of farms, by quartile boundary, Canada
Financial ratios of farms, Canada
Net farm income, Canada
Number and area of farms and farmland area by tenure, historical data, Canada
Number of families on farms, classified by type and size of family, Canada
Number of families on unincorporated farms, classified by family type, major source of operator income and income classes in the year prior to the census, Canada
Number of farm operators and persons in the labour force classified by country of birth, Canada
Number of farm operators by sex, age and paid non-farm work, historical data, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by class of worker, age and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by class of worker, level of educational attainment and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by class of worker, sex and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by income class in the year prior to the census, age and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by income class in the year prior to the census, level of educational attainment and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by income class in the year prior to the census, sex and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by level of educational attainment and age, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by level of educational attainment and sex, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by major source of income in the year prior to the census, age and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by major source of income in the year prior to the census, level of educational attainment and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by major source of income in the year prior to the census, sex and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by marital status, age and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by marital status, level of educational attainment and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by marital status, sex and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by mother tongue, age and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by mother tongue, level of educational attainment and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by mother tongue, sex and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by occupation, age and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by occupation, level of educational attainment and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farm operators classified by occupation, sex and number of operators per farm, Canada
Number of farms by irrigation method, Canada
Number of farms by irrigation status, Canada
Number of farms classified by number of operators per farm and household income class in the year prior to the census, Canada
Number of farms classified by number of operators per farm, major source of household income and income class in the year prior to the census, Canada
Number of farms that stopped irrigating or did not irrigate by reason, Canada
Number of persons in the farm and non-farm populations, for rural areas and population centres, Canada
Number of persons in the total population and the farm population, classified by religious affiliation, Canada
Number of persons in the total population and the farm population, for rural areas and population centres, classified by sex and age, Canada