Capital:Nova Sintra
- Portuguese:Portuguese
Province Website:No data
- Mayor:Orlando Balla
Gross Rate of Schooling, Basic Education (%):150,34 (2010)
Gross Rate of Schooling, secondary (%):97,96 (2010)
Literate Men-Women Relationship (15-24 years):1,01 (2010)
Land Area (sq km):67 (2012)
Population:5 995 (2010)
Population Density, persons/,48 (2010)
Literacy Rate:95,47 (2010)
Unemployed:208 (2010)
Unemployment Rate (%):9,62 (2010)
Labour Force:1 954 (2010)
Buldings (number):2 025 (2010)
Households & Living Conditions
Gross Rate, Basic Education
Gross Rate, Secondary Education
Literacy Rate, >15years
Literacy Rate, >15years, Female
Youth Literacy Rate, 15-24years
Youth Literacy Rate, 15-24years, Female
Education Level, Never Attended
Education Level, Literacy
School Rate Ratio, Literacy
School Rate Ratio, Basic Education
School Rate Ratio, Bachelor or Higher