
  • Capital City:Bari
  • First Person Title:Government President
  • First Person Name:Nichi Vendola
  • Official Web-site of the Region
  • Total population, persons:4091259 (2011)
  • Land Area, Sq km:19358 (2013)
  • Population Density, Persons per Sq Km:210 (2013)
  • Live births-total,thousands:37,2 (2010)
  • Deaths-total,thousands:34,8 (2010)
  • GDP, millions of euro:60 541,0 (2009)
  • GDP per capita, euros:16 711,4 (2009)
  • Compensation of employees, millions of euro:31 689,287 (2009)
  • Final consumption expenditure, millions of euro:8 508,0 (2007)
  • Unemployment rate, 15 years or over, Total, percent:13,1 (2011)
  • Employment rate, 15 years or over, %:35,5 (2011)
  • Total Intramural R&D Expenditure, Euro per inhabitant:130,4 (2003)
  • Use of mass media, per 100 population:39,5 (2012)