Languages:Persian, Kurdish, Azerbaijani
- Governor:Bahman Moradnia
Population (persons):1 603 011 (2016)
Area in sq.km:29 136,5 (2011)
Population Density (persons per sq.km):55 (2016)
Sex Ratio (males per 100 females):103 (2016)
Average Household Size:3,4 (2016)
Students in Primary School:147 134 (2017)
Students in Upper Secondary School:39 068 (2017)
Student in Lower Secondary School:59 400 (2017)
Literacy Rate:78,0 (2011)
Employed:393 (2007)
Unemployed:99 (2007)
Physicians:810 (2016)
Dentists:62 (2016)
Television Station:258 (2011)
Subscribers of Mobile Phones in Use:1 383 535 (2015)
Transport, Storage and Communications