- King's Commissioner:Theo Bovens
Population, persons:1117198
Land area, 148,0 (2015)
Population density, persons/sq. km:520,1 (2018)
Net migration rate, %:No data
Rate of natural population change, %:-2,7 (2017)
Fertility rate, births per woman:1,48 (2017)
Official web-site of the region
GDP, millons of euro:42545,89 (2017)
GDP per capita, euro:38100 (2017)
GDP per cap., % of EU average:127 (2017)
Gross enrolment ratio (all levels of education), %:20,5 (2012)
Doctors, per 100,000 inhabitants:337,1 (2016)
Employment rate (age 15-64), %:73,6 (2017)
Unemployment rate (age 15 or over), %:4,7 (2017)
Net disposable income per inhabitant, euro:15 900,0 (2011)
Passenger cars, per 1,000 inhabitants:513 (2016)