Capital City:Stuttgart
First Person Title:Minister-President
First Person Name:Winfried Kretschmann (Greens)
Total Population, Persons:10753880 (2011)
Land Area, Sq km:35 751,5 (2011)
Population Density, Persons per Sq Km:300,7 (2010)
Fertility Rate, Children per Woman:1,38 (2010)
Gross Domestic Product, Thousands of Euros:359289152 (2010)
GDP per Capita, Euro:31500 (2009)
Gross Value Added at Basic Prices, Thousands of Euros:321574526 (2010)
Net Disposable Income, Millions of Euros:220360 (2009)
Official Web-site of the Region
Construction of New Residential Buildings, Building Permits:15801 (2011)
Agricultural Output, Millions of Euros:1 611,57 (2010)
Total Intramural R&D Expenditure, % of GDP:4,83 (2009)
Unemployment Rate, 15 Years or Over, Total, %:3,6 (2011)
Net Disposable Income per Capita, Euros:20 504,4 (2009)
Compensation of Employees, Millions of Euros:175660 (2009)
Pupils and Students in all Levels of Education, %:21,1 (2011)
Infant Mortality Rate, Rate per 100000 Population:3,2 (2010)
Established Beds in Hospitals, Number:57994 (2010)
Households with Internet Access, % of households:81 (2011)
Passenger Cars, Rate Per 1 000 Inhabitants:532 (2010)
Tourism Intensity, Number:3517 (2011)