Президент: Irfaan Ali
Премьер-министр: Mark Phillips
Столица: Georgetown
Языки: English (official), Guyanese Creole, Amerindian languages (including Caribbean and Arawak languages), Indian languages (including Caribbean Hindustani, a dialect of Hindi), Chinese (2014 est.)
Правительство: No data
Статистическое агентство
Население, человек: 828 632 (2024)
Площадь, кв км: 196 850
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США: 20 765 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США: 17,2 (2023)
Индекс Джини: 45,1 (1998)
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business: 134
Наборы данных
Major Foreign Holders of Treasury Securities, Monthly Update
Market share of the largest generator in the electricity market - annual data
Material and social deprivation rate by age and sex
Material and social deprivation rate by age, sex and broad group of citizenship
Material and social deprivation rate by age, sex and broad group of country of birth
Material and social deprivation rate by age, sex and educational attainment level
Material and social deprivation rate by age, sex and most frequent activity status
Material and social deprivation rate by income quintile and household type
Material and social deprivation rate by NUTS regions
Material and social deprivation rate by tenure status
Material and social deprivation rate for children by age and educational attainment level of their parents
Material deprivation rate - Economic strain and durables dimension (source: SILC)
Median age of the labour force by sex -- ILO modelled estimates (years) (discontinued)
Money market interest rates - annual data
Money market interest rates - monthly data
Money market interest rates - quarterly data
Mopeds and motorcycles, by type of motor energy
Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses, by age
Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses, by number of seats
Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses, by type of motor energy
Motorcycles, by power of vehicles
National Accounts Main Aggregates Database
Net debt-to-income ratio, after taxes, of non-financial corporations (discontinued)
Net lending (+) /net borrowing (-), by sub-sector - current prices, million units of national currency
Net return on equity, after taxes, of non-financial corporations (discontinued)
Net savings by sub-sectors - current prices, million units of national currency
New registrations of lorries, by load capacity (1 000 t)
New registrations of lorries, by load capacity (number)
New registrations of lorries, by type of motor energy
New registrations of mopeds and motorcycles, by type of motor energy
New registrations of motor coaches, buses and trolley buses by type of motor energy
New registrations of motor coaches, buses and trolley buses, by seat capacity
New registrations of motor coaches, buses and trolley buses, by type of vehicles
New registrations of motorcycles, by power of vehicles
New registrations of passenger cars by type of motor energy
New registrations of passenger cars by type of motor energy and engine size
New registrations of passenger cars by unloaded weight
New registrations of semi-trailers, by permissible maximum gross weight
New registrations of trailers, by permissible maximum gross weight
New registrations of trams
New special purpose road vehicles
Non-performing loans of government
Passenger cars by unloaded weight
Passenger cars per 1 000 inhabitants
Passenger cars, by type of motor energy and size of engine
Passenger road transport on national territory, by type of vehicles registered in the reporting country
Pension expenditure projections (baseline scenario)
People at risk of income poverty after social transfers
People at risk of poverty after social transfers
People at risk of poverty before social transfers (pensions included in social transfers) by level of activity limitation, sex and age
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by age and sex
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by degree of urbanisation
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by level of activity limitation, sex and age
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by NUTS 2 regions
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by NUTS regions
People not having indoor flushing toilet for the sole use of their household by level of activity limitation, sex and age
People with no bath or shower in their dwelling by level of activity limitation, sex and age
Persistent at-risk-of-poverty rate by educational attainment level
Persistent at-risk-of-poverty rate by household type
Persons aged 18 and over by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and citizenship of the person - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons aged 18 and over by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and country of birth of the person - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons aged 18 and over by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and educational attainment level of the person - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons aged 18 and over by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and most frequent activity status of the person - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and household composition - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household, age and sex of the person - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons in the at-risk-of-poverty rate by sex and age - EU-SILC survey
Persons outside the labour force by sex and age -- ILO modelled estimates (thousands)
Population by rural / urban areas -- UN estimates and projections (thousands)
Population by sex and age -- UN estimates and projections (thousands)
Population connected to public water supply
Population connected to urban wastewater collecting and treatment systems, by treatment level (discontinued)
Population connected to wastewater treatment plants
Population projections
Portfolio investement - annual data, million units of national currency
Portfolio investment - quarterly data, million units of national currency
Portfolio investment assets, by instuments - annual data, million units of national currency
Portfolio investment liabilities, by instruments - annual data, million units of national currency
Poverty and Inequity Database
Private sector credit flow, non-consolidated
Private sector credit flow: debt securities by sectors, non-consolidated - % of GDP
Private sector credit flow: debt securities by sectors, non-consolidated - million units of national currency
Private sector credit flow: loans by sectors, non-consolidated - % of GDP
Private sector credit flow: loans by sectors, non-consolidated - million units of national currency
Private sector debt, non-consolidated
Private sector debt: debt securities by sectors, non-consolidated - % of GDP
Private sector debt: debt securities by sectors, non-consolidated - million units of national currency
Private sector debt: loans by sectors, non-consolidated - million units of national currency
Private sector debt: loans, by sectors, non-consolidated - % of GDP
Production and utilisation of milk on the farm
Production in construction
Production in construction - annual data
Production in construction - monthly data
Production in construction - quarterly data
Production of electricity and derived heat by type of fuel
Projected old-age dependency ratio
Selling prices of chickens (live 1st choice)
Selling prices of oats
Selling prices of raw cow's milk
Selling prices of sheep
Service producer prices - annual data
Service producer prices - quarterly data - growth rates
Severe housing deprivation rate by age, sex and poverty status (source: SILC)
Severe housing deprivation rate by degree of urbanisation (source: SILC)
Severe housing deprivation rate by household type (source: SILC)
Severe housing deprivation rate by income quintile - EU-SILC survey
Severe housing deprivation rate by tenure status - EU-SILC survey
Severe material deprivation rate by age and sex
Severe material deprivation rate by degree of urbanisation
Severe material deprivation rate by NUTS 2 regions
Sewage sludge production and disposal
Sewage sludge production and disposal from urban wastewater (in dry substance (d.s))
Share for transmission and distribution in the network cost for gas and electricity - annual data
Share of children (aged 0 to 17) having neither a bath, nor a shower in their dwelling (source: SILC)
Share of energy from renewable sources
Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by age, sex and poverty status - Total population (source: SILC)
Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by degree of urbanisation - Total population (source: SILC)
Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by household type and income quintile - total population - EU-SILC survey
Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by tenure status - Total population (source: SILC)
Share of persons who cannot afford a colour TV (source: SILC)
Share of persons who cannot afford a computer (source: SILC)
Share of persons who cannot afford a personal car by level of activity limitation, sex and age
Share of persons who cannot afford a telephone (source: SILC)
Share of persons who cannot afford a washing machine (source: SILC)
Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption
Share of total population having neither a bath, nor a shower, nor indoor flushing toilet in their household (source: SILC)
Share of total population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation, or rot in window frames of floor (source: SILC)
Short-term interest rates: Day-to-day money rates (discontinued)
Short-term interest rates: three-month interbank rates (discontinued)
Solar thermal collectors' surface
Special purpose road vehicles
Supply and transformation of oil - monthly data
Supply and transformation of solid fuels - monthly data
Supply electricity - short term monthly data
Supply of electricity - monthly data
Supply oil - short term monthly data
Supply, transformation and consumption of electricity
Supply, transformation and consumption of renewables and wastes
Sustainable Development Goals, 2024
Table of trade and transport margins (previous years prices)
Total financial sector liabilities, by instruments, consolidated - % of GDP
Total financial sector liabilities, by instruments, consolidated - million units of national currency
Total financial sector liabilities, by instruments, non-consolidated - % of GDP
Total financial sector liabilities, by instruments, non-consolidated - million units of national currency
Total financial sector liabilities, by sub-sectors, consolidated - % of GDP
Total financial sector liabilities, by sub-sectors, consolidated - million units of national currency
Total financial sector liabilities, by sub-sectors, non-consolidated - % of GDP
Total financial sector liabilities, by sub-sectors, non-consolidated - million units of national currency
Total financial sector liabilities, consolidated
Total financial sector liabilities, non-consolidated - annual data
Total general government expenditure
Transitions of income within three years by decile
Turnover by type of activity for wholesale trade (NACE Rev. 2, G46)
Turnover in services - quarterly data
Turnover statistics for industry (NACE Rev. 2, B-E)