Президент: Lương Cường
Премьер-министр: Phạm Minh Chính
Столица: Hanoi (Ha Noi)
Языки: Vietnamese (official), English (increasingly favored as a second language), some French, Chinese, and Khmer, mountain area languages (Mon-Khmer and Malayo-Polynesian)
Статистическое агентство
Население, человек: 100 675 292 (2024)
Площадь, кв км: 313 429
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США: 4 282 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США: 429,7 (2023)
Индекс Джини: 36,1 (2022)
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business: 70
Наборы данных
Aggregated measurement of support for agriculture (discontinued)
Agricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev.1.1 by NUTS 2 regions (until 2012)
Agricultural holders > = 65 years old (discontinued)
Agricultural holders being a natural person (discontinued)
Agricultural holdings by age of holder
Agricultural holdings by age of manager
Agricultural holdings by agricultural area
Agricultural holdings by economic size of the farm (Standard Output in Euro)
Agricultural holdings with agricultural area < 5 ha (discontinued)
Agricultural holdings with agricultural area > = 50 ha (discontinued)
Agricultural holdings with agricultural area 20-<50 ha (discontinued)
Agricultural holdings with agricultural area 5-<20 ha (discontinued)
Agricultural holdings with another gainful activity than agricultural production (discontinued)
Agricultural holdings with livestock
Agricultural Labour Input Statistics: absolute figures (1 000 annual work units)
Agricultural Labour Input Statistics: indices
Agricultural land prices by region
Agricultural land prices by region - historical data (until 2009)
Agricultural land renting prices for one year by region
Agricultural land renting prices for one year by region - historical data (until 2009)
Agricultural training of farm managers: number of farms, agricultural area, labour force and standard output (SO) by age and sex of the manager
Agricultural training of farm managers: number of farms, agricultural area, labour force, standard output (SO) and livestock (LSU) by economic size of farm (SO in Euro)
Agricultural training of farm managers: selected variables by economic size of farm (ESU)
Agriculture and Turf Statistics-John Deere
Agriculture as % of total employment -- ILO modelled estimates (discontinued)
Agriculture Statistics of Vietnam
Agri-Environmental Indicators - Energy, 2015 (Discontinued)
Agri-Environmental Indicators - Land
Agri-Environmental Indicators - Livestock
Agri-Environmental Indicators - Water (Discontinued)
Agri-Environmental Indicators: Soil (Discontinued)
Ammonia emissions from agriculture - % of total emissions (source: EEA)
Animal grazing on the holding: number of farms and area grazed by duration, economic size of farm (SO in euros) and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Animal housing - cattle: number of farms and places by cattle size class, agricultural size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Animal housing - cattle: number of farms and places by cattle size classes, economic size of farm (SO in euros) and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Animal housing - laying hens: number of farms and places by laying hens size classes, economic size of farm (SO in euros) and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Animal housing - pigs: number of farms and places by pig size classes, economic size of farm (SO in euros) and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Animal output - basic and producer prices
Animal populations by NUTS 2 regions
Animal populations by NUTS 2 regions
Annual aquaculture production - live weight in tonnes
Annual captures of fish - live weight in tonnes - by fishing areas
Annual production and utilisation of milk on the farm
Apple trees by age and density classes (area in ha)
Apple trees by age classes (area in ha)
Apple trees by density classes (area in ha)
Apricot trees by age and density classes (area in ha) (discontinued)
Apricot trees by age classes (area in ha) (discontinued)
Apricot trees by density classes (area in ha) (discontinued)
Aquaculture production in tonnes and value
Arable crops: number of farms and areas of different arable crops by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of arable area
Arable crops: number of farms and areas of different arable crops by economic size of farm (SO in Euro) and size of arable area
Area under agri-environmental commitment (discontinued)
Area under organic farming
Area under organic farming (discontinued)
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by type of production, yield class and regions
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Austria
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Bulgaria
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Cyprus
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Czech Republic
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - France
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Germany
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Greece
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Hungaria
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Italy
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Luxembourg
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Portugal
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Slovakia
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - Slovenia
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety and by age of the vines - United Kingdom
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety, age of the vines and NUTS 2 regions - Romania
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety, age of the vines and regions - Spain
Area under wine-grape vine varieties by type of production, yield class and regions
Area under wine-grape vine varieties which have been grubbed, planted or replanted, by type of production, yield class and regions
Areas harvested, yields, production by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
ASTI-Researchers by Agency Type, 2015 (discontinued)
ASTI-Researchers by Gender and Degree Level, 2015
Key farm variables: area, livestock (LSU), labour force and standard output (SO) by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and age of manager
Key farm variables: area, livestock (LSU), labour force and standard output (SO) by agricultural size of farm (UAA), legal status of holding and NUTS 2 regions
Key variables by age of holder, size of farm (UAA) and LFA status
Key variables by legal status of holding, size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions
Key variables by size of farm (UAA), economic size of farm (ESU) and LFA status
Key variables by type of farming (1-digit), economic size of farm (ESU) and LFA status
Key variables by type of farming (1-digit), economic size of farm (ESU) and objective zone 1999
Key variables by type of farming (1-digit), economic size of farm (ESU) and objective zone 2000
Key variables by type of farming (2-digit) and economic size of farm (ESU)
Key variables by type of farming (2-digit) and NUTS 2 regions
Key variables by type of farming (2-digit) and size of farm (UAA)
Key variables: area, livestock (LSU), labour force and standard output (SO) by economic size of farm (SO in Euro), legal status of holding and NUTS 2 regions
Key variables: area, livestock (LSU), labour force and standard output (SO) by type of farming (2-digit) and agricultural size of farm (UAA)
Key variables: area, livestock (LSU), labour force and standard output (SO) by type of farming (2-digit) and economic size of farm (SO in Euro)
Key variables: area, livestock (LSU), labour force and standard output (SO) by type of farming (2-digit) and NUTS 2 regions
Oats and spring cereal mixtures by area, production and humidity
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2023-2032
Olive plantations
Olive plantations: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of olive plantation area
Olive plantations: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and size of olive plantation area
Olive trees by age and density classes (area in ha)
Olive trees by age classes (area in ha)
Olive trees by density classes (area in ha)
Olives by production
Orange trees by age and density classes (area in ha)
Orange trees by age classes (area in ha)
Orange trees by density classes (area in ha)
Orange trees since 2002 by regions (area in ha) (discontinued)
Organic crop area (fully converted area) (discontinued)
Organic crop area and production (from 2013 onwards) (discontinued)
Organic crop production by crops (until 2011)
Organic farming: number of farms, areas with different crops and heads of different types of animals by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions
Organic farming: selected variables by size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions
Organic livestock of animals (from 2012 onwards)
Organic livestock of animals (until 2011)
Organic operators by status of the registration process (from 2012 onwards)
Organic production of animal products (until 2011)
Organic products of aquaculture (from 2013 onwards)
Other activities on the holding: number of farms, agricultural area and economic size (ESU) by age of holder and sex of holder
Other activities on the holding: number of farms, agricultural area and economic size (ESU) by legal status of holding and size of farm (UAA)
Other activities on the holding: number of farms, agricultural area and economic size (ESU) by legal status of holding, type of farming (1-digit) and economic size of farm (ESU)
Other cows: number of farms and heads and fodder crops by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of other cow herd
Other cows: number of farms and heads by size of farm (UAA) and size of other cow herd
Other gainful activities (OGA) of the farm of sole holder: number of farms, agricultural area, standard output (SO) and livestock (LSU) by age of holder
Other gainful activities (OGA) of the farm of sole holder: number of farms, agricultural area, standard output (SO) and livestock (LSU) by agricultural size of farm (UAA)
Other gainful activities (OGA) of the farm of sole holder: number of farms, agricultural area, standard output (SO) and livestock (LSU) by economic size of farm (SO in Euro)
Other gainful activities (OGA) of the farm of sole holder: number of farms, agricultural area, standard output (SO) and livestock (LSU) by type of farming (1-digit)
Other gainful activities directly related to the holding: number of farms, agricultural area, standard output (SO) and livestock (LSU) by age and sex of holder
Other land: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA)
Other land: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and size of wooded area
Output of the agricultural industry - basic and producer prices
Part-time regular farm labour force (discontinued)
Peach trees by age and density classes (area in ha)
Peach trees by age classes (area in ha)
Peach trees by age classes (area in ha) (discontinued)
Peach trees by density classes (area in ha)
Peach trees 'unspecified flesh' since 2002 by regions (area in ha) (discontinued)
Peach trees 'white flesh' since 2002 by regions (area in ha) (discontinued)
Peach trees 'yellow flesh' since 2002 by regions (area in ha) (discontinued)
Pear trees by age and density classes (area in ha) (discontinued)
Pear trees by density classes (area in ha) (discontinued)
Permanent crops for human consumption by area
Permanent crops: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of permanent crop area
Permanent crops: number of farms and areas by economic size of farm (SO in Euro) and size of permanent crop area
Permanent crops: number of farms and areas by size of permanent crop area and NUTS 2 regions
Permanent grassland: number of farms and areas by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of permanent grassland area
Permanent grassland: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and size of permanent grassland area
Pig population - annual data
Pigs: number of farms and heads by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of pig herd
Pigs: number of farms and heads by economic size of farm (SO in Euro) and size of pig herd
Pigs: number of farms and heads by size of farm (UAA) and size of breeding sow herd
Pigs: number of farms and heads by size of farm (UAA) and size of other pig herd
Pigs: total, fattening pigs and sows
Pigs-sows: number of farms and heads by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of breeding sow herd
Pigs-sows: number of farms and heads by economic size of farm (SO in Euro) and size of breeding sow herd
Potatoes: number of farms and area by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of potato area
Potatoes: number of farms and area by size of farm (UAA) and size of potato area
Poultry - annual data
Poultry - monthly data
Poultry farming
Poultry: number of farms and heads by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and size of broiler flock
Poultry: number of farms and heads by economic size of farm (SO in Euro) and size of broiler flock
Poultry: number of farms and heads by size of farm (UAA) and size of broiler flock
Poultry: number of farms and heads by size of farm (UAA) and size of laying hen flock
Powdered dairy products - Distribution of enterprises by volume of annual production
Price indices of agricultural input/output at nominal value (2000 = 100)
Price indices of agricultural products, output (2000 = 100) - annual data
Price indices of agricultural products, output (2000 = 100) - monthly data
Price indices of agricultural products, output (2000 = 100) - quarterly data
Price indices of agricultural products, output (2005 = 100) - annual data
Price indices of agricultural products, output (2005 = 100) - quarterly data
Price indices of agricultural products, output (2010 = 100) - annual data
Price indices of agricultural products, output (2010 = 100) - quarterly data
Price indices of agricultural products, output (2015 = 100) - annual data
Price indices of agricultural products, output (2015 = 100) - quarterly data
Price indices of the means of agricultural production, input (2000 = 100) - annual data
Price indices of the means of agricultural production, input (2000 = 100) - monthly data
Price indices of the means of agricultural production, input (2000 = 100) - quarterly data
Price indices of the means of agricultural production, input (2005 = 100) - annual data
Price indices of the means of agricultural production, input (2005 = 100) - quarterly data
Price indices of the means of agricultural production, input (2010 = 100) - annual data
Price indices of the means of agricultural production, input (2010 = 100) - quarterly data
Price indices of the means of agricultural production, input (2015 = 100) - quarterly data
Processors and importers of organic products by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (D) (until 2007)
Processors of organic products by NACE Rev. 2 activity (C) (2008 -2011)
Processors of organic products by NACE Rev. 2 activity (C) (from 2012 onwards)
Producer price indices, animals and animal products
Producer price indices, crop products
Producer price indices, total agricultural production
Production and utilization of milk on the farm - annual data
Production of butter
Production of cheese
Production of cow's milk on farms by NUTS 2 regions
Production Statistics - Live Animals, Live Stocks Primary, Live Stocks Processed
Productivity of artificial land
Proportion of informal employment in non-agricultural employment -- Harmonized series (%) (discontinued)
Purchase price indices, total means of agricultural production
Purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (absolute prices) - annual - old codes - data from 1969 to 2005
Purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (absolute prices) - annual price (from 2000 onwards)
Purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (absolute prices) - monthly - old codes - data from 1969 to 2006