Ho Chi Minh [Sai Gon]
Capital:Ho Chi Minh
First Person:Nguyen Thanh Phong (Chairman)
- Nguyen Thi Chinh Tam:Nguyen Thi Chinh Tam
Population (thousands):8 297,5 (2016)
Area in Sq. km:2 061,4 (2016)
Population Density per Sq. km:4025 (2016)
Crude Birth Rate (Per 1,000 people):11,8 (2016)
Classroom (number):10347 (2016)
Teachers (number):17728 (2016)
Primary School (number):493 (2016)
Secondary school (%):266 (2016)
Hospital (number):24647 (2016)
Doctor (number):7417 (2016)
Production of cereals per capita (kg):10,5 (2016)
Index of industrial production (%):107,3 (2016)