Languages:Pashto, Dari
- Governor:Wahidullah Kalimzai
Population (persons):482115 (2018)
Area in sq.km:4 942,0 (2015)
Population Density (persons/sq.km):97,55 (2018)
Sex Ratio:104,9 (2015)
Adult Literacy Rate (%):21,8 (2012)
Primary schools (number):251 (2011)
Unemployment Rate (%):4,9 (2007)
Child labour, 5-15 years (%):4,0 (2007)
Number of Births:20408 (2005)
Basic Health Centers:17 (2017)
Household size (persons):11,2 (2014)
Adult literacy rate
Overall literacy rate (6+ years)
Literacy rate (6+ years), Male
Literacy rate (6+ years), Female
Adult illiteracy rate (15+ years)
Adult illiteracy rate (15+ years), Male
Adult illiteracy rate (15+ years), Female
Overall net enrolment rate (6-13 years)
Number of illiterate women
Number of Primary schools
Number of students, Primary
Number of teachers, Teachers
Number of students, middle education
Number of schools, middle education
Number of teachers, middle education
Number of schools, high school education
Number of students, high school education
Number of teachers, high school education
Number of schools, Private primary education
Number of students, Private primary education
Number of teachers, Private primary education
Primary school age children out of school
Number of VET students
Number of VET teachers
VET student to teacher ratio
Vocational Education and Training (VET) Institutes
Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach grade 5
Economy & Rural Development