- Co-Princes:Joan Enric Vives Sicília Emmanuel Macron
- Премьер-министр:Xavier Espot Zamora
Столица:Andorra la Vella
Языки:Catalan (official), French, Castilian, Portuguese
Статистическое агентство
Население, человек:81 418 (2024)
Площадь, кв км:470
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США:46 812 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США:3,8 (2023)
Индекс Джини:No data
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business:No data
Наборы данных
Ability to make ends meet by level of activity limitation, sex and age
Accidents at work by days lost and NACE Rev. 2 activity
Accidents at work by days lost, sex and age (NACE Rev. 2 activity A, C-N)
Accidents at work by NACE Rev. 2 activity and part of body injured
Accidents at work by NACE Rev. 2 activity and size of enterprise
Accidents at work by NACE Rev. 2 activity and type of injury
Accidents at work by sex, age and severity (NACE Rev. 2 activity A, C-N)
Activation of registered unemployed (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Activation-Support - LMP participants per 100 persons wanting to work (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Active population by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Active population by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Active population by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Active population by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Active population, aged 15-64 - annual averages
Activity rate by age
Activity rate by sex
Activity rate of people by type of disability, sex and age
Activity rates by sex, age and citizenship (%)
Activity rates by sex, age and citizenship (%)
Activity rates by sex, age and country of birth (%)
Activity rates by sex, age and educational attainment level (%)
Activity rates by sex, age and educational attainment level (%)
Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level and citizenship
Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level and country of birth
Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
Activity rates of young people not in education and training by sex, educational attainment level and years since completion of highest level of education
Adult participation in learning by sex
Africa Development Indicators, Monthly Update
Aggregates by branch - quarterly data - employment (discontinued)
Aggregates by branch - quarterly data (discontinued)
Agricultural Labour Input Statistics: absolute figures (1 000 annual work units)
Agricultural Labour Input Statistics: indices
Annual bonuses as % of annual earnings by NUTS 1 regions and economic activity (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-N (discontinued)
Annual earnings by economic control (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Annual earnings by economic control (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Annual earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L
Annual earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Annual earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Annual gross income of workers with higher education (ISCED 5-6), by sex (2006) (discontinued)
Annual gross income of workers, by education level (2006) (discontinued)
Annual net earnings
Annual population by sex, age, degree of urbanisation and labour status (1 000)
Apparent labour productivity by NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Authorisations for the purpose of seasonal work by status, length of validity, economic sector and citizenship
Authorisations issued for the purpose of seasonal work by economic sector, sex and citizenship
Average age at which employed persons started receiving a retirement pension - by sex and main financial incentive to stay at work
Average age at which not employed persons started receiving a retirement pension - by granting of other individual benefits and sex
Average age at which not employed persons started receiving a retirement pension - by sex and main labour status just after leaving last job
Average age at which not employed persons started receiving a retirement pension - by sex and main reason for retirement or early retirement
Average age when leaving formal education by sex and educational attainment level for persons who left within the last 3 or 5 years
Average annual gross earnings by economic activity - NACE Rev. 2
Average annual gross earnings by occupation
Average exit age from the labour force - annual data (discontinued)
Average gross annual earnings in industry and services, by sex
Average hours worked and paid per employee, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey 2008
Average hours worked and paid per employee, by working time and NACE Rev. 2 activity - LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Average hours worked per employee, by working time, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions - LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Average number of overtime hours of employees, by sex, age and economic activity
Average number of overtime hours of employees, by sex, age and occupation
Average number of paid overtime hours of employees, by sex, age and economic activity
Average number of paid overtime hours of employees, by sex, age and occupation
Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (hours)
Average number of years spent working - by sex and main financial incentive to stay at work
Average time between leaving formal education and starting the first job by age, sex and educational attainment level for persons who left within the last 3 or 5 years - (months)
Average usual working hours of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old by main childcare-related reasons given for not working or not working more
Average usual working hours of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old by main type of childcare used for own/spouse's children up to 14 while working
Average usual working hours of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old by regular care of other children or people in need of care
Average usual working hours of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old by wish to change the organisation of their working life and care responsibilities
Average usual working hours of employees, by possibility to have variable working hours, sex and age
Average usual working hours of employees, by possibility to work variable hours in the reference week, sex and age
Candidate countries and potential candidates: labour market
Candidate countries and potential candidates: SI - Employment (discontinued)
Cases of fatal occupational injury by economic activity
Cases of fatal occupational injury by sex and migrant status
Cases of non-fatal occupational injury by economic activity
Cases of non-fatal occupational injury by sex and migrant status
Children living in households with very low work intensity by educational attainment level of their parents (population aged 0 to 17 years)
Compensation of employees
Compensation of employees - annual data, million units of national currency
Compensation of employees - NACE Rev. 2
Compensation of employees - quarterly data, million units of national currency
Compensation of employees per hour worked (discontinued)
Computer based learning participants by educational attainment level and labour status
Cost of CVT courses as % of total labour cost (all enterprises), by type of cost and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses as % of total labour cost (all enterprises), by type of cost and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses as % of total labour cost (all enterprises), by type of cost and size class
Cost of CVT courses as % of total labour cost (all enterprises), by type of cost and size class (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses by type and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of total labour cost of all enterprises
Cost of CVT courses by type and NACE Rev. 2 activity - % of total labour cost of all enterprises
Cost of CVT courses by type and size class - % of total labour cost of all enterprises
Cost of CVT courses per employee (all enterprises), by type of cost and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses per employee (all enterprises), by type of cost and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses per employee (all enterprises), by type of cost and size class (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses per employee (all enterprises), by type of cost and size class (Discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses per employee (only enterprises with CVT courses), by type of cost and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses per employee (only enterprises with CVT courses), by type of cost and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses per employee (only enterprises with CVT courses), by type of cost and size class
Cost of CVT courses per participant, by type of cost and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses per participant, by type of cost and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses per participant, by type of cost and size class
Cost of CVT courses per participant, by type of cost and size class (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses per training hour, by type of cost and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses per training hour, by type of cost and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Cost of CVT courses per training hour, by type of cost and size class
Cost of CVT courses per training hour, by type of cost and size class (discontinued)
Credit mobile graduates (at least 3 months abroad) by education level, country of destination, type of mobility and sex
Credit mobile graduates (at least 3 months abroad) by education level, type of mobility scheme, type of mobility and sex
Credit mobile graduates (less than 3 months abroad) by education level, country of destination, type of mobility and sex
Cultural employment by educational attainment level
Cultural employment by NACE Rev. 2 activity
Cultural employment by sex and selected labour market characteristics
Early leavers from education and training (age group 18-24) by type of disability, sex and labour status
Early leavers from education and training by sex
Early leavers from formal education by sex and labour status
Early retirement among persons who receive an old-age pension (%)
Economic activity
Economic activity rates by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (%)
Economically active population by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (1 000)
Economically active population by sex, age and other typologies
Economically active population by sex, age, educational attainment level and NUTS 2 regions (1 000)
Economically inactive persons who receive a pension who would have wished to stay longer in employment (%)
Electricity, gas and water by employment size class (NACE Rev. 1.1, E, 1995-2001)
Employed HRST by category, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (1994-2008)
Employed HRST by category, NACE Rev. 1.1 activity and NUTS 1 regions (1994 - 2007)
Employed HRST by category, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions (from 2008 onwards)
Employed HRST by category, sex, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (1994-2008)
Employed in service sector and occupational status of recent school-leavers
Employed migrants by country of origin (thousands) (discontinued)
Employed non-citizens by sex and country of citizenship (in thousands)
Employed people having a longstanding health problem or a difficulty in basic activities by the type of special assistance used, sex and age
Employed persons aged 15 and over by sex, age group and occupation
Employed persons aged 15 and over by sex, age group, citizenship and occupation (ISCO-88)
Employed persons aged 15 and over by sex, citizenship, economic activity (NACE Rev. 1), status in employment and NUTS 3 regions
Employed persons and employees by sex and full-time/part-time activity (NACE Rev. 2)
Employed persons by age groups (NACE Rev. 2)
Employed persons by age groups (NACE Rev. 2)
Employed persons by current and preferred professional status, sex and country of birth
Employed persons by current and preferred professional status, sex and educational attainment level
Employed persons by educational attainment level (NACE Rev. 2)
Employed persons by educational attainment level (NACE Rev. 2)
Employed persons by full-time/part-time activity (NACE Rev. 2)
Employed persons by job autonomy, sex and professional status
Employed persons by job satisfaction, sex, professional status and country of birth
Employed persons by job satisfaction, sex, professional status and educational attainment level
Employed persons by job satisfaction, sex, professional status and occupation
Employed persons by professional status, sex, educational attainment level and age
Employed persons by professional status, sex, educational attainment level and country of birth
Employed persons by professional status, sex, educational attainment level and degree of urbanisation
Employed persons by professional status, sex, educational attainment level and economic activity
Employed persons by professional status, sex, educational attainment level and number of jobs
Employed persons by professional status, sex, educational attainment level and occupation
Employed persons by professional status, sex, educational attainment level and preferred working time
Employed persons by professional status, sex, educational attainment level and usual weekly hours of work
Employed persons by sex, age group, educational attainment level, occupation (ISCO-88) and NUTS 3 regions
Employed persons by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and job tenure
Employed persons by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and match between education and job
Employed persons by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and type of assistance for finding current job
Employed persons by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and usual weekly working hours
Employed persons having a second job by professional status in the main job, professional status in the second job and sex
Employed persons having a second job by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Employed persons having a second job by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Employed persons having a second job by sex, age and occupation in the first job (1 000)
Employed persons having a second job by sex, age and occupation in the first job (1 000)
Employed persons having a second job by sex, age and professional status of both jobs (1 000)
Employed persons having a second job by sex, age and professional status of both jobs (1 000)
Employed persons who work on weekends by professional status, sex and educational attainment level
Employed persons with a second job (discontinued)
Employed persons working at nights as a percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and professional status (%)
Employed persons working from home as a percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and professional status (%)
Employed persons working in the evenings as a percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and professional status (%)
Employed persons working on Saturdays as a percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and professional status (%)
Employed persons working on Sundays as a percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and professional status (%)
Employed persons, average number of years spent working of employed persons - by sex and occupation
Employed persons, average number of years spent working, by sex and economic activity (NACE Rev. 1.1)
Employed population by sex and occupation
Employed recent immigrants by sex, age and citizenship
Employed recent immigrants by sex, age and country of birth
Employees - availability of computers (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity) (discontinued)
Employees - devices to access the internet (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity) (discontinued)
Employees - level of internet access (NACE Rev. 2 activity) (discontinued)
Employees - remote working (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity) (discontinued)
Employees - type of connection to the internet (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity) (discontinued)
Employees - type of connection to the internet (NACE Rev. 2 activity) (discontinued)
Employees and family workers who wish to be self-employed by main reason for not being self-employed and sex
Employees by educational attainment level, sex, age and size of the local unit (%)
Employees by flexibility of their working schedule and economic activity (1 000)
Employees by flexibility of their working schedule and educational attainment level (1 000)
Employees by migration status, educational attainment level, occupation and working time
Employees by Sex and Economic Activity
Employees by sex and economic activity - selected ISIC level 2 (thousands)
Employees by sex, age and economic activity (1983-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) (1 000)
Employees by sex, age and economic activity (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) - 1 000
Employees by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Employees by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Employees by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Employees by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Employees by sex, age and occupation (1 000)
Employees by sex, age and occupation (1 000)
Employees by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and method used for finding current job
Employees by their perceived possibility to vary start and/or stop of the working day for family reasons (1 000)
Employees by type of employment contract, age and European socio-economic group
Employees who can take a whole day off for family reasons, by occupation (1 000)
Employees, domestic concept - annual data
Employer business demography by NACE Rev. 2 activity and other typologies
Employer business demography by size class and other typologies
Employment (discontinued)
Employment (in persons) (discontinued)
Employment (Target 1B): employment to population ratio, own account and contributing family workers, growth rate of GDP per employed, youth unemployment
Employment (thousand hours worked) by NUTS 2 regions
Employment (thousand persons) (discontinued)
Employment (thousand persons) by NUTS 3 regions
Employment A*10 industry breakdowns
Employment and activity by sex and age - annual data
Employment and activity by sex and age - quarterly data
Employment and commuting by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions
Employment and economic activity branches
Employment and population - selected international annual data
Employment and population - selected international quarterly data
Employment at atypical working time as a percentage of the total employment, by age and European socio-economic group
Employment by A*10 industry breakdowns
Employment by educational attainment level - quarterly data
Employment by migration status, professional status, type of contract and full/part time
Employment by NACE Rev. 2 activity and other typologies
Employment by NACE Rev. 2 activity, age and European socio-economic group
Employment by NACE Rev.2 - percentage change Q/Q-1
Employment by NACE Rev.2 - percentage change Q/Q-4
Employment by NACE Rev.2 - thousand persons
Employment by sex and age (discontinued)
Employment by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Employment by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Employment by sex, age and detailed economic activity (1992-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1 two digit level) (1 000)
Employment by sex, age and detailed economic activity (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1 two digit level) - 1 000
Employment by sex, age and detailed economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2 two digit level) - 1 000
Employment by sex, age and detailed economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2 two digit level) - 1 000
Employment by sex, age and economic activity (1983-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) (1 000)
Employment by sex, age and economic activity (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) - 1 000
Employment by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Employment by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Employment by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Employment by sex, age and job duration
Employment by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (1 000)
Employment by sex, age and other typologies
Employment by sex, age and professional status (1 000)
Employment by sex, age and professional status (1 000)
Employment by sex, age, educational attainment level and NUTS 2 regions (1 000)
Employment by sex, age, professional status and full-time/part-time (1 000)
Employment by sex, age, professional status and full-time/part-time (1 000)
Employment by sex, age, professional status and occupation (1 000)
Employment by sex, age, professional status and occupation (1 000)
Employment by sex, age, time since job started and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Employment by sex, age, time since job started and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Employment by type of disability, sex, age and economic activity
Employment by type of disability, sex, age and full-time/part-time employment
Employment by type of disability, sex, age and number of usual weekly hours of work in main job
Employment by type of disability, sex, age and occupation
Employment by type of disability, sex, age and professional status
Employment by type of disability, sex, age and supervisor responsibility
Employment by type of disability, sex, age and working at home
Employment characteristics
Employment development in foreign affiliates of domestic enterprises by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and partner (discontinued)
Employment development in foreign controlled enterprises (discontinued)
Employment development in foreign controlled enterprises by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and partner (discontinued)
Employment growth and activity branches - annual averages (discontinued)
Employment growth and activity branches - quarterly data (discontinued)
Employment growth by sex (discontinued)
Employment in aviation and airport enterprises by sex
Employment in current job by duration
Employment in foreign affiliates of domestic enterprises per total domestic employment by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and partner (discontinued)
Employment in foreign controlled enterprises as a share of total domestic employment (discontinued)
Employment in foreign controlled enterprises by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and partner - % of total domestic employment (discontinued)
Employment in high- and medium-high technology manufacturing sectors and knowledge-intensive service sectors
Employment in high- and medium-high technology manufacturing sectors and knowledge-intensive service sectors
Employment in high-tech sectors by NUTS 2 regions
Employment in inland waterways transport enterprises by number of vessels in enterprises
Employment in inland waterways transport enterprises by sex
Employment in oil pipeline enterprises
Employment in principal railway enterprises by sex
Employment in principal railway enterprises, by type of activity
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors at the national level, by level of education (1994-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors at the national level, by sex (1994-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors at the national level, by type of occupation (1994-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 1 regions and level of education (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 1 regions and type of occupation (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 2 regions and sex (1994-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 2 regions and sex (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
Employment in the environmental goods and services sector
Employment rate by educational attainment level (discontinued)
Employment rate by educational attainment level (Discontinued)
Employment rate by sex, age group 20-64
Employment rate by sex, age, educational attainment level and work experience while studying
Employment rate of low skilled persons, age group 20-64
Employment rate of non-EU nationals, age group 20-64
Employment rate of older workers (discontinued)
Employment rate of older workers, age group 55-64
Employment rate of people by type of disability, sex and age
Employment rate of the age group 15-64 by NUTS 2 regions
Employment rate of the age group 20-64 by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Employment rate of the age group 55-64 by NUTS 2 regions
Employment rate of the total population, men and women, age group 20-64
Employment rates by age, sex, educational attainment level and number of years after leaving formal education
Employment rates by sex, age and citizenship (%)
Employment rates by sex, age and citizenship (%)
Employment rates by sex, age and country of birth (%)
Employment rates by sex, age and degree of urbanisation (%)
Employment rates by sex, age and educational attainment level (%)
Employment rates by sex, age and educational attainment level (%)
Employment rates by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (%)
Employment rates by sex, age and other typologies
Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level and citizenship
Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level and country of birth
Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
Employment rates of recent graduates
Employment rates of recent graduates by sex
Employment rates of young people not in education and training by sex, educational attainment level, years since completion of highest level of education and citizenship
Employment statistics on high-tech industries and Knowledge Intensive Services at the national level (1995-2007, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Employment, domestic concept - annual data
Employment, domestic concept - quarterly data, thousands persons, not seasonally adjusted
Employment, domestic concept - Total
Employment, Wages and Productivity for Puerto and Virgin Island- FRED data
ENP countries: labour market
ENP countries: SI - Employment (discontinued)
Enterprises employing IVT participants by reason and size class - % of enterprises employing IVT participants
Enterprises providing CVT courses by percentage of participation of employees, by size class and occupational group (%)
Enterprises providing CVT courses, by particular population category (%) (discontinued)
Enterprises where there was an impact of public measures on their CVT plans as a % for all training enterprises by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Enterprises where there was an impact of public measures on their CVT plans as a % for all training enterprises by size class (discontinued)
Enterprises where there was an impact of public measures on their CVT plans as a % for all training enterprises, by NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Enterprises which assess the future skills needs of the enterprise as a % of training enterprises by size class (discontinued)
Enterprises which assess the outcomes of CVT activities by assessment method and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of training enterprises
Enterprises which assess the outcomes of CVT activities by assessment method and NACE Rev. 2 activity - % of training enterprises
Enterprises which assess the outcomes of CVT activities by type of training provided and NACE Rev. 2 activity - % of training enterprises
Enterprises which assess the outcomes of CVT activities by type of training provided and size class - % of training enterprises
Enterprises which establish the training needs of their personnel as % of training enterprises by size class (discontinued)
Enterprises who assess the future skills needs of the enterprise as a % of training enterprises by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Enterprises who establish the training needs of their personnel as % of training enterprises by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Enterprises who recruited or tried to recruit personnel for jobs requiring ICT skills (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity) (discontinued)
Enterprises with a training budget including provision for CVT as % of training enterprises by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Enterprises with a training centre used exclusively or partly for CVT as % of training enterprises, by type of training and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Enterprises with a training plan including CVT as % of training enterprises by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Enterprises with an agreement on CVT as % of training enterprises by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Estimated employment by business function and economic activity
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Austria (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Belgium (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Bulgaria (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Croatia (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Cyprus (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Czech Republic (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Denmark (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Estonia (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - France (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Germany (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Greece (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Hungary (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Ireland (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Italy (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Latvia (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Lithuania (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Luxembourg (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Malta (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Netherlands (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Norway (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Poland (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Portugal (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Romania (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Slovakia (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Slovenia (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Spain (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - Sweden (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Expenditure by LMP intervention - United Kingdom (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Family labour force with other gainful activity: number of persons by size of farm (UAA)
Family labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by sex of worker, age of worker and size of farm (UAA)
Farm labour force
Fatal Accidents at work by economic activity
Financial deficit by rural / urban areas (% of population not covered due to financial resource deficit) (%) (discontinued)
Financial derivatives and employee stock options - annual data, million units of national currency
Financial derivatives and employee stock options - quarterly data, million units of national currency
Financial derivatives and employee stock options, by sectors - annual data, million units of national currency
Full-time and part-time employment by sex and economic activity (1983-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) (1 000)
Full-time and part-time employment by sex and economic activity (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) - 1 000
Full-time and part-time employment by sex and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Full-time and part-time employment by sex and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Full-time and part-time employment by sex, age and economic activity - NACE A10 (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Full-time and part-time employment by sex, age and economic activity - NACE A10 (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000 (discontinued)
Full-time and part-time employment by sex, age and economic activity - NACE A6 (1983-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) (1 000)
Full-time and part-time employment by sex, age and economic activity - NACE A6 (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) - 1 000 (discontinued)
Full-time and part-time employment by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Full-time and part-time employment by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Full-time and part-time employment by sex, age and occupation (1 000)
Full-time regular farm labour force (discontinued)
Harmonised unemployment (1 000) - monthly data
Harmonised unemployment by sex
Harmonised unemployment by sex - age group 15-24
Harmonised unemployment by sex - age group 25-74
Harmonised unemployment rate by sex
Harmonised unemployment rate by sex - age group 15-24
Harmonised unemployment rate by sex - age group 25-74
Harmonised unemployment rates (%) - monthly data
Health Nutrition and Population Statistics
Health Workforce Migration (archived)
Hourly earnings by economic activity and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more)
Hourly earnings by economic activity and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more)
Hourly earnings by economic activity and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more)
Hourly labour costs - NACE Rev. 1.1
Hours actually worked compared to hours paid - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (all enterprises), by NACE Rev. 1.1
Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (all enterprises), by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (all enterprises), by NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (all enterprises), by size class
Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (all enterprises), by size class (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (only enterprises with CVT courses), by NACE Rev. 1.1
Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (only enterprises with CVT courses), by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (only enterprises with CVT courses), by NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per 1 000 hours worked (only enterprises with CVT courses), by size class (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per employee (all enterprises) and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per employee (all enterprises), by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per employee (all enterprises), by size class (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per employee (CVT enterprises) and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per employee (CVT enterprises), by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per employee (CVT enterprises), by size class (discontinued)
Hours in CVT courses per employee in enterprises with and without a joint CVT agreement, by NACE Rev. 1.1
Hours in CVT courses per employee in enterprises with and without 'new technologies', by NACE Rev. 1.1
Hours in CVT courses per participant, by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Hours spent in CVT courses by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - hours per 1000 hours worked in all enterprises
Hours spent in CVT courses by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - hours per 1000 hours worked in enterprises providing CVT courses
Hours spent in CVT courses by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - hours per participant
Hours spent in CVT courses by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - hours per person employed in all enterprises
Hours spent in CVT courses by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - hours per person employed in enterprises providing CVT courses
Hours spent in CVT courses by NACE Rev. 2 activity - hours per 1000 hours worked in enterprises providing CVT courses
Hours spent in CVT courses by NACE Rev. 2 activity - hours per participant
Hours spent in CVT courses by NACE Rev. 2 activity - hours per person employed in all enterprises
Hours spent in CVT courses by NACE Rev. 2 activity - hours per person employed in enterprises providing CVT courses
Hours spent in CVT courses by size class - hours per 1000 hours worked in all enterprises
Hours spent in CVT courses by size class - hours per 1000 hours worked in enterprises providing CVT courses
Hours spent in CVT courses by size class - hours per participant
Hours spent in CVT courses by size class - hours per person employed in all enterprises
Hours spent in CVT courses by size class - hours per person employed in enterprises providing CVT courses
Hours spent in CVT courses by type of course and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of total hours spent in CVT courses
Hours spent in CVT courses by type of course and NACE Rev. 2 activity - % of total hours spent in CVT courses
Hours spent in CVT courses by type of course and size class - % of total hours spent in CVT courses
Hours spent in CVT courses by type of CVT agreement and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - hours per person employed in all enterprises
Hours spent in CVT courses by type of CVT agreement and NACE Rev. 2 activity - hours per person employed in all enterprises
Hours spent in CVT courses by type of CVT agreement and size class - hours per person employed in all enterprises
Hours spent in CVT courses by type of CVT planning and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - hours per person employed in all enterprises
Hours spent in CVT courses by type of CVT planning and NACE Rev. 2 activity - hours per person employed in all enterprises
Hours spent in CVT courses by type of CVT planning and size class - hours per person employed in all enterprises
Hours worked compared to hours paid
Hours worked compared to hours paid, by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey 2004
Hours worked compared to hours paid, by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey 2008
Hours worked compared to hours paid, by NACE Rev. 2 activity - LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Household characteristics by activity and employment status of the reference person
HRST by category and NUTS 2 regions
HRST by category, age and NUTS 1 regions
HRST by category, sex and NUTS 1 regions
Human Development Report, 2023-24 Statistical Update
Immigrants by Detailed Occupation
Immigrants by Occupation (discontinued)
Immigrants by sector
Implicit tax rate on labour (discontinued)
Inactive population - Main reason for not seeking employment - Distributions by sex and age (%)
Inactive population as a percentage of the total population, by sex and age (%)
Inactive population by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Inactive population by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Inactive population by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Inactive population by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Inactive population by sex, age and willingness to work (1 000)
Inactive population by sex, age and willingness to work (1 000)
Inactive population by type of disability, sex, age and the main reason for not seeking employment
Inactive population due to caring responsibilities by sex
Inactivity rate by sex and age (%)
Inactivity rate by sex, age, educational attainment level and work experience while studying
Inactivity rates of young people not in education and training by sex, educational attainment level and years since completion of highest level of education
Indicators on health and safety at work
Individuals' level of digital skills
Industry by employment size class (NACE Rev. 2, B-E)
Inflow of migrants by sex and country of origin (thousands)
Inflow of non-citizens by sex and country of citizenship (in thousands)
Insurance, number of persons employed by type of enterprises
Intra-corporate transferee permits issued by type of permit, economic sector and citizenship
Intra-corporate transferee permits issued by type of permit, length of validity, transferee position and citizenship
Intra-corporate transferee permits issued, renewed and withdrawn by type of permit, length of validity and citizenship
Involuntary part-time employment as percentage of the total part-time employment for young people by sex and age
Involuntary part-time employment as percentage of the total part-time employment, by sex and age (%)
Involuntary temporary employment
Involuntary temporary employment by sex (discontinued)
Labour cost index - Country weights
Labour cost index - Item weights
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 - Index (2016=100)
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 - percentage change Q/Q-1
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 - percentage change Q/Q-4
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 activity - country weights
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 activity - item weights
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 activity - nominal value, annual data
Labour cost index by NACE Rev. 2 activity - nominal value, quarterly data
Labour cost index, nominal value - annual data
Labour cost index, nominal value - quarterly data
Labour cost index, nominal value - quarterly data (discontinued)
Labour cost levels by NACE Rev. 2 activity
Labour cost, wages and salaries (including apprentices) - NACE Rev. 2
Labour cost, wages and salaries (including apprentices) - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Labour cost, wages and salaries and direct remuneration by NUTS 1 regions
Labour cost, wages and salaries, and direct remuneration by NUTS 1 regions
Labour cost, wages and salaries, and direct remuneration by NUTS 1 regions - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Labour cost, wages and salaries, direct remuneration
Labour cost, wages and salaries, direct remuneration by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey 2004
Labour cost, wages and salaries, direct remuneration by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey 2008
Labour cost, wages and salaries, direct remuneration by NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions - LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Labour costs annual data - NACE Rev. 2
Labour costs annual data - NACE Rev. 2
Labour force by sex and age (thousands)
Labour force participation rate by sex and age (%)
Labour force participation rate, men (%) (discontinued)
Labour force participation rate, women (%) (discontinued)
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by agricultural size of farm (UAA)
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by sex of worker, category of worker, legal status of holding, size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by sex of workers and NUTS 2 regions
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by size of farm (UAA) and LFA status
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by size of farm (UAA) and objective zone 1999
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by size of farm (UAA) and objective zone 2000
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by type of farming (2-digit) and economic size of farm (ESU)
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by type of farming (2-digit) and economic size of farm (SO in Euro)
Labour input - total industry (excluding construction)
Labour input in construction - annual data
Labour input in construction - annual data, percentage change (discontinued)
Labour input in construction - Index (2015 = 100)
Labour input in construction - monthly data
Labour input in construction - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Labour input in construction - quarterly data
Labour input in construction - quarterly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Labour input in industry - annual data
Labour input in industry - annual data, percentage change (discontinued)
Labour input in industry - monthly data
Labour input in industry - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Labour input in industry - quarterly data
Labour input in industry - quarterly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Labour input in services - annual data
Labour input in services - annual data, percentage change (discontinued)
Labour input in services - monthly data
Labour input in services - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Labour input in services - quarterly data
Labour input in services - quarterly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Labour input in wholesale and retail trade - annual data
Labour input in wholesale and retail trade - annual data, percentage change (discontinued)
Labour input in wholesale and retail trade - monthly data
Labour input in wholesale and retail trade - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Labour input in wholesale and retail trade - quarterly data
Labour input in wholesale and retail trade - quarterly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Labour inspection visits per inspector
Labour market transitions - quarterly data
Labour productivity - annual data (discontinued)
Labour productivity - quarterly data (discontinued)
Labour productivity and unit labour costs
Labour productivity and unit labour costs
Labour productivity per hour worked (ESA 2010) (discontinued)
Labour productivity per person employed and hour worked (EU28=100)
Labour transitions from temporary to permanent contracts by sex -3-year average
Labour transitions from temporary to permanent contracts by sex -3-year average
LMP expenditure (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
LMP expenditure by type of action - summary tables (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
LMP participants by type of action - summary tables (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Long working hours in main job by sex, age, professional status and occupation
Long-term unemployment (12 months or more) as a percentage of the total unemployment, by sex and age (%)
Long-term unemployment (12 months or more) as a percentage of the total unemployment, by sex, age and citizenship (%)
Long-term unemployment (12 months or more) as a percentage of the total unemployment, by sex, age and country of birth (%)
Long-term unemployment by sex - annual average
Long-term unemployment by sex - quarterly average
Long-term unemployment rate by sex
Long-term unemployment rate, by sex (discontinued)
Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by age
Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by economic activity
Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by educational attainment level
Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by employment contract
Low-wage earners as a proportion of all employees (excluding apprentices) by sex
Main care related reasons for not working or working part-time (1 000)
Main childcare related reasons for not working or working part-time (1 000)
Main childcare-related reasons given by employed persons between 15 and 64 years old for not working or not working more
Main childcare-related reasons given by persons between 15 and 64 years old for not working or not working more
Main financial incentives for employed persons who are entitled to receive an individual retirement pension to stay at work - by sex and occupation (1 000)
Main providers used for external CVT courses by type of provider and NACE Rev. 2 activity - % of enterprises providing external CVT courses
Main providers used for external CVT courses by type of provider and size class - % of enterprises providing external CVT courses
Main reason for economically inactive persons who receive a pension to quit working (%)
Main reason for part-time employment - Distributions by sex and age (%)
Main reason for persons who receive a pension to continue working (%)
Main reasons (linked with care of other people in need of care) given by employed persons between 15 and 64 years old for not working or not working more, by occupation
Main reasons (linked with care of other people in need of care) given by employed persons between 15 and 64 years old for not working or not working more, by working time pattern
Main reasons for hard-to-fill vacancies for ICT specialist jobs (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity) (discontinued)
Main reasons for part-time employment of young people by sex and age
Main reasons for retirement or early retirement - by sex and main labour status just after leaving last job (1 000)
Main skills targeted by CVT courses by type of skill and NACE Rev. 2 activity - % of enterprises providing CVT courses
Main skills targeted by CVT courses by type of skill and size class - % of enterprises providing CVT courses
Main type of childcare used by employed persons between 15 and 64 years old for own/spouse's children up to 14 while working
Mean and median income by broad group of country of birth (population aged 18 and over)
Mean annual earnings by NUTS 1 regions (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L
Mean annual earnings by NUTS 1 regions (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean annual earnings by NUTS 1 regions (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean annual earnings by sex, age and economic activity
Mean annual earnings by sex, age and economic activity
Mean annual earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean annual earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean annual earnings by sex, age, occupation
Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and educational attainment
Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and educational attainment level
Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise
Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise
Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and occupation
Mean annual earnings by sex, economic activity and occupation
Mean annual earnings by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Mean annual earnings by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Mean annual earnings by size class of the enterprise, sex, occupation
Mean annual earnings by size of the enterprise, sex,occupation
Mean annual holidays by economic activity, collective pay agreement, sex
Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, age
Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, educational attainment
Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, employment contract
Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, employment contract
Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, length of service in the enterprise
Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, length of service with the enterprise
Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, occupation
Mean annual holidays by sex, age and economic activity
Mean annual holidays by sex, age and economic activity
Mean annual holidays by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean annual holidays by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean annual holidays by sex, age, occupation
Mean annual holidays by sex, age, occupation - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L
Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and educational attainment
Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and educational attainment
Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise
Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise
Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and occupation
Mean annual holidays by sex, economic activity and occupation
Mean annual holidays by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Mean annual holidays by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Mean annual holidays by size class of the enterprise, sex, occupation
Mean annual holidays by size of the enterprise, sex, occupation
Mean consumption expenditure by age of the reference person
Mean consumption expenditure by main source of the household's income
Mean consumption expenditure by number of active persons
Mean consumption expenditure by type of household
Mean consumption expenditure per household by COICOP consumption purpose
Mean consumption expenditure per household with expenditure greater than zero by detailed COICOP level (in PPS) (discontinued)
Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, collective pay agreement, sex
Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, collective pay agreement, sex
Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, sex, age
Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level
Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level
Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, sex, employment contract
Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, sex, length of service with the enterprise
Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, sex, occupation
Mean hourly earnings by NUTS 1 regions (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L
Mean hourly earnings by NUTS 1 regions (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean hourly earnings by NUTS 1 regions (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean hourly earnings by sex, age and economic activity
Mean hourly earnings by sex, age and economic activity
Mean hourly earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean hourly earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean hourly earnings by sex, age, occupation
Mean hourly earnings by sex, age, occupation - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L
Mean hourly earnings by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
Mean hourly earnings by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
Mean hourly earnings by sex, economic activity and educational attainment level
Mean hourly earnings by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Mean hourly earnings by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Mean hourly earnings by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise
Mean hourly earnings by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise
Mean hourly earnings by sex, economic activity and occupation
Mean hourly earnings by sex, economic activity and occupation
Mean hourly earnings by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Mean hourly earnings by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Mean hourly earnings by size class of the enterprise, sex, occupation
Mean hourly earnings by size of the enterprise, sex, occupation
Mean instruction hours per employed participant in non-formal education and training by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
Mean instruction hours per employed participant in non-formal education and training by sex and occupation
Mean instruction hours per participant in non-formal education and training by field of learning
Mean instruction hours per participant in non-formal education and training by sex and labour status
Mean instruction hours spent by participant in education and training by age
Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, collective pay agreement, sex
Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, collective pay agreement, sex
Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, sex, age
Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level
Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, sex, employment contract
Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, sex, length of service with the enterprise
Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, sex, occupation
Mean monthly earnings by sex, age and economic activity
Mean monthly earnings by sex, age and economic activity
Mean monthly earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean monthly earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean monthly earnings by sex, age, occupation
Mean monthly earnings by sex, age, occupation - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L
Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and educational attainment
Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and educational attainment level
Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise
Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise
Mean monthly earnings by sex, economic activity and occupation
Mean monthly earnings by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Mean monthly earnings by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Mean monthly earnings by size class of the enterprise, sex, occupation
Mean monthly earnings by size of the enterprise, sex, occupation
Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, collective pay agreement, sex
Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, collective pay agreement, sex
Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, sex, age
Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, sex, age
Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, sex, educational attainment
Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level
Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, sex, employment contract
Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, sex, employment contract
Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, sex, length of service in the enterprise
Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, sex, length of service with the enterprise
Mean monthly hours paid by economic activity, sex, occupation
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, age and economic activity
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, age and economic activity
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, age, occupation - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, age,occupation
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and educational attainment
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and educational attainment
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and occupation
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and occupation
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Mean monthly hours paid by size class of the enterprise, sex, occupation
Mean monthly hours paid by size of the enterprise, sex, occupation
Mean nominal monthly earnings of employees by sex and economic activity -- Harmonized series
Mean nominal monthly earnings of employees by sex and economic activity (local currency)
Minimum wages
Minimum Wages by Country
Monthly earnings by economic control (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L
Monthly earnings by economic control (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Monthly earnings by economic control (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Monthly earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L
Monthly earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Monthly earnings by quantiles and contractual working time (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Monthly labour costs - NACE Rev. 1.1
Monthly minimum wage as a proportion of average monthly earnings (%) - NACE Rev. 2 (from 2008 onwards)
Monthly minimum wages - bi-annual data
National accounts employment data by industry (up to NACE A*64)
Newly employed
Newly employed (share of people in current job for 12 months or less, in total employment) by age, professional status and country of birth
Nominal and real unit labour cost growth
Nominal labour productivity per person employed (ESA 2010)
Nominal unit labour cost - 3 years % change
Nominal unit labour cost - annual data, % changes and index (2010 = 100)
Nominal unit labour cost (NULC) - quarterly data
Nominal unit labour cost growth - (ESA 2010) (discontinued)
Non-fatal accidents at work by economic activity and age
Non-fatal accidents at work by sex (NACE Rev. 2, A, C-N) (discontinued)
Not employed people but having a previous work experience by type of disability, sex, age and the main reason for leaving the last job or business
Not employed people having a longstanding health problem or a difficulty in basic activities by the type of special assistance needed, sex and age
Not employed persons, average number of years spent working - by granting of other individual benefits and sex
Not employed persons, average number of years spent working - by sex and occupation (previous job)
Not employed persons, average number of years spent working, by sex and economic activity (previous job, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Number of accidents at work by economic activity and employment status
Number of accidents at work by economic activity and severity
Number of accidents at work by economic activity and size of enterprise
Number of accidents at work by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity, severity and age
Number of accidents at work by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity, severity and sex
Number of accidents at work by part of body injured and severity
Number of accidents at work by type of injury and severity
Number of employed persons - by planned age for stopping work, sex and full time/part time work (1 000)
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old having to make working time arrangements over the last 12 months to care for children, by occupation
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old having to make working time arrangements over the last 12 months to care for children,. by working time pattern
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old regularly taking care of other children or people in need of care
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old taking time off over the last 12 months for family sickness or emergencies, by economic activity
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old taking time off over the last 12 months for family sickness or emergencies, by educational attainment level
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old taking time off over the last 12 months for family sickness or emergencies, by occupation
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old who can take whole days off for family reasons, by economic activity
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old who can take whole days off for family reasons, by occupation
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old who can vary start/end of working day for family reasons, by economic activity
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old who can vary start/end of working day for family reasons, by occupation
Number of employed persons between 15 and 64 years old wishing to change the organisation of their working life and care responsibilities
Number of employed persons who reduced their working hours in a move to full retirement - by sex, age and full time/part time work (1 000)
Number of employed persons who would stay longer at work (or not) if more flexible working time arrangements were available - by sex and occupation (1 000)
Number of employed persons who would stay longer at work (or not) if their workplace was healthier and/or safer - by sex and occupation (1 000)
Number of employed persons who would stay longer at work (or not) if they could update their skills - by sex and occupation (1 000)
Number of employees and hours worked, by working time, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions - LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Number of employees by economic activity corresponding to earnings data - NACE Rev. 2
Number of employees by economic activity, collective pay agreement, sex
Number of employees by economic activity, collective pay agreement, sex, employment contract
Number of employees by economic activity, economic control, sex
Number of employees by economic activity, sex, age
Number of employees by economic activity, sex, age
Number of employees by economic activity, sex, educational attainment
Number of employees by economic activity, sex, educational attainment level
Number of employees by economic activity, sex, employment contract
Number of employees by economic activity, sex, length of service in the enterprise
Number of employees by economic activity, sex, length of service with the enterprise
Number of employees by economic activity, sex, occupation
Number of employees by occupation corresponding to earnings data
Number of employees by sex, age and economic activity
Number of employees by sex, age and economic activity
Number of employees by sex, age, occupation - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L
Number of employees by sex, age, occupation and size class - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Number of employees by sex, age, occupation and size class - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Number of employees by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
Number of employees by sex, economic activity and collective pay agreement
Number of employees by sex, economic activity and educational attainment
Number of employees by sex, economic activity and educational attainment
Number of employees by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Number of employees by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Number of employees by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise
Number of employees by sex, economic activity and length of service with the enterprise
Number of employees by sex, economic activity and occupation
Number of employees by sex, economic activity and occupation
Number of employees by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Number of employees by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Number of employees by size class of the enterprise, sex, occupation
Number of employees by size of the enterprise, sex, occupation
Number of employees finding it convenient for personal life to do shift work or on-call work, by sex, age and economic activity
Number of employees finding it convenient for personal life to do shift work or on-call work, by sex, age and occupation
Number of employees finding it convenient for personal life to work in the evening, or at night, or during weekends, by sex, age and economic activity
Number of employees finding it convenient for personal life to work in the evening, or at night, or during weekends, by sex, age and occupation
Number of employees having annualised working hours by sex, age, occupation and economic activity
Number of employees with the possibility to work variable hours in the reference week, by sex, age and occupation
Number of employees with variable working hours, by sex, age and economic activity
Number of employees with variable working hours, by sex, age and occupation
Number of employees working on call by sex, age, occupation and economic activity
Number of employees, hours actually worked and paid - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of employees, hours actually worked and paid by NUTS 1 regions
Number of employees, hours actually worked and paid by NUTS 1 regions - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of employees, hours worked and paid, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey 2004
Number of employees, hours worked and paid, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey 2008
Number of employees, hours worked and paid, by working time and NACE Rev. 2 activity - LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Number of enterprises in the non-financial business economy by size class of employment (discontinued)
Number of fatal accidents at work by Member State and age, excluding road traffic accidents and accidents on board of any mean of transport in the course of work
Number of hours actually worked and paid per employee - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of hours actually worked and paid per employee by NUTS 1 regions
Number of hours actually worked and paid per employee by NUTS 1 regions - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of labour inspection visits to workplaces during the year
Number of labour inspectors by sex (thousands)
Number of local units, persons employed and wages and salaries by NUTS 2 regions
Number of national civil servants in central public administration
Number of not employed persons having reduced their working hours in a move to full retirement - by sex and age (1 000)
Number of not employed persons who would have stayed longer at work (or not) if more flexible working time arrangements had been available - by sex and occupation (previous job) (1 000)
Number of not employed persons who would have stayed longer at work (or not) if their workplace had been healthier and/or safer - by sex and occupation (previous job) (1 000)
Number of not employed persons who would have stayed longer at work (or not) if they had had more opportunities to update their skills - by sex and occupation (previous job) (1 000)
Number of part-time employees by working time pattern compared with 'full-timers', sex, age and economic activity
Number of part-time employees, by working time pattern compared with 'full-timers', sex, age and occupation
Number of persons between 15 and 64 years old regularly taking care of other children up to 14 or people older than 15 in need of care
Number of persons between 15 and 64 years old wishing to change the organisation of their working life and care responsibilities
Number of self-employed persons who can control their own work methods and schedule, by sex, age and occupation
Number of self-employed persons who work for one single client or customer, by sex, age and economic activity
Number of statistical units
Number of statistical units by NUTS 1 regions
Number of statistical units by NUTS 1 regions - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of statistical units selected for the survey, by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey 2008
Number of statistical units selected for the survey, by NACE Rev. 2 activity - LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Number of statistical units selected for the survey, by NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions - LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Participants by LMP intervention - Austria (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Belgium (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Bulgaria (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Croatia (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Cyprus (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Czech Republic (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Denmark (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Estonia (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Finland (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - France (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Germany (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Greece (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Hungary (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Ireland (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Italy (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Latvia (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Lithuania (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Luxembourg (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Malta (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Netherlands (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Norway (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Poland (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Portugal (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Romania (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Slovakia (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Slovenia (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Spain (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - Sweden (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants by LMP intervention - United Kingdom (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants in labour market policy measures, by type of action (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participants in other form of CVT as a percentage of employees in all enterprises by NACE Rev. 1.1 and type of training (discontinued)
Participants in other form of CVT as a percentage of employees in all enterprises by size class and type of training (discontinued)
Participants in other forms of CVT as a % of employees in CVT other form enterprises by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Participants studying by making use of educational broadcasting by educational attainment level and labour status
Participants studying in libraries or learning centres by educational attainment level and labour status
Participants studying in libraries or learning centres by sex and age
Participation in activation labour market policies by sex (Source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Participation in any learning activities by educational attainment level and labour status
Participation in any learning activities by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
Participation in any learning activities by occupation
Participation in informal learning by educational attainment level and labour status
Participation in non-formal education and training by number of taught activities, sex and age
Participation in non-formal education and training within (or not) paid working hours
Participation of employed persons in non-formal education and training activities on foreign languages and computers by sex and occupation
Participation of employed persons in non-formal education and training by field of study, sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
Participation of employed persons in non-formal education and training by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
Participation of employed persons in non-formal education and training by sex and occupation
Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity
Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by type, sex, age and labour status
Participation rate in education and training by age
Participation rate in job-related non-formal education and training by type and age
Participation rate of young people in education and training by sex, age and labour status (incl. NEET rates)
Participation rate of young people in formal education by sex, age and labour status
Part-time employment as a percentage of the total employment, by sex and age (%)
Part-time employment as percentage of the total employment for young people by sex, age and country of birth
Part-time employment as percentage of the total employment, by sex and age (%)
Part-time employment as percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and citizenship (%)
Part-time employment as percentage of the total employment, by sex, age and country of birth (%)
Part-time employment by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
Part-time employment by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
Part-time regular farm labour force (discontinued)
People living in households with very low work intensity
People living in households with very low work intensity
People living in households with very low work intensity (discontinued)
People living in households with very low work intensity by age and sex (population aged 0 to 59 years)
People living in households with very low work intensity by NUTS 2 regions (population aged 0 to 59 years)
People living in households with very low work intensity by tenure status (population aged 0 to 59 years)
Percentage distribution of assistance provided to employed disabled people by sex
Percentage distribution of causes of disability by sex and economic activity (NACE Rev. 1)
Percentage distribution of labour status by severity of disability, sex and age
Percentage enterprises with specific categories of person employed or persons employed with specific contract types and who provided specific courses for them, by size class (discontinued)
Percentage of all enterprises providing CVT courses, by type of course and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Percentage of all enterprises providing CVT courses, by type of course and size class (discontinued)
Percentage of all non-training enterprises, by reason for not providing CVT and NACE Rev 1.1
Percentage of all non-training enterprises, by reason for not providing CVT and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Percentage of all non-training enterprises, by reason for not providing CVT and size class (discontinued)
Percentage of employees (all enterprises) participating in CVT courses, by NACE Rev. 1.1 and age (discontinued)
Percentage of employees (all enterprises) participating in CVT courses, by NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Percentage of employees (all enterprises) participating in CVT courses, by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1
Percentage of employees (all enterprises) participating in CVT courses, by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Percentage of employees (all enterprises) participating in CVT courses, by sex and size class
Percentage of employees (all enterprises) participating in CVT courses, by sex and size class (discontinued)
Percentage of employees (all enterprises) participating in CVT courses, by size class and age (discontinued)
Percentage of employees (only enterprises with CVT courses) participating in CVT courses, by age and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Percentage of employees (only enterprises with CVT courses) participating in CVT courses, by NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Percentage of employees (only enterprises with CVT courses) participating in CVT courses, by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1
Percentage of employees (only enterprises with CVT courses) participating in CVT courses, by sex and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Percentage of employees (only enterprises with CVT courses) participating in CVT courses, by sex and size class
Percentage of employees (only enterprises with CVT courses) participating in CVT courses, by sex and size class (discontinued)
Percentage of employees in enterprises with and without a joint CVT agreement participating in CVT courses, by NACE Rev. 1.1
Percentage of employees in enterprises with and without 'new technologies' participating in CVT courses, by NACE Rev. 1.1
Percentage of employees working overtime, by sex, age and economic activity
Percentage of employees working overtime, by sex, age and occupation
Percentage of employees working paid overtime, by sex, age and economic activity
Percentage of employees working paid overtime, by sex, age and occupation
Percentage of enterprises having a training planning and/or budget, by NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Percentage of enterprises having a training planning and/or budget, by size class (discontinued)
Percentage of enterprises not evaluating the effect of CVT courses, by reason for not evaluating and NACE
Percentage of enterprises providing continuing vocational training (CVT) by size class (1997-1998)
Percentage of enterprises providing IVT by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Percentage of enterprises providing IVT by size class (discontinued)
Percentage of enterprises with the need to obtain or develop new skills by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity (1997-1999)
Percentage of enterprises with the need to obtain or develop new skills by size class (1997-1999)
Percentage of health care expenditure not financed by private households' out of pocket payments (%) (discontinued)
Percentage of IVT participants to persons employed all enterprises by size class (discontinued)
Percentage of IVT participants to persons employed in all enterprises by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Percentage of IVT participants to persons employed in IVT enterprises by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Percentage of the ICT personnel in total employment
Percentage of the ICT personnel on total employment
Percentage of the ICT personnel on total employment (discontinued)
Percentage of the total hours in CVT courses, by field of training and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Percentage of the total hours in CVT courses, by type of course and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Percentage of the total hours in CVT courses, by type of course and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Percentage of the total hours in external CVT courses, by training provider and NACE Rev. 1.1
Percentage of the total hours in external CVT courses, by training provider and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Percentage of training enterprises having a specific person or unit responsible for training by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Percentage of training enterprises making use of an External advisory service by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Permanency of job (permanent or temporary) and Nace Rev. 2 activity
Permanency of job (permanent or temporary) and NACE Rev. 2 activity
Persons employed by NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Persons employed in the non-financial business economy by size class of employment (discontinued)
Persons making weekly use of childcare services for their youngest child (1 000)
Persons not in employment by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and type of assistance for finding a job
Persons not participating in training related to professional activity by sex, age, income group, most frequent activity status, educational attainment level and reason of non participation
Persons participating in training related to hobbies by sex, age, income group, most frequent activity status and educational attainment level
Persons participating in training related to professional activity by sex, age, income group, most frequent activity status and educational attainment level
Persons registered with Public Employment Services - PES (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Persons registered with Public Employment Services (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Persons reporting a work-related health problem by sex, age and full-time/part-time employment
Persons reporting a work-related health problem by sex, age and professional status
Persons reporting a work-related health problem resulting in limitations of daily activities
Persons reporting a work-related health problem resulting in sick leave by period off work
Persons reporting an accident at work by sex and atypical working time
Persons reporting an accident at work by sex and full-time/part-time employment
Persons reporting an accident at work by sex, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
Persons reporting an accident at work by sex, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity
Persons reporting an accident at work by sex, age and professional status
Persons reporting an accident at work resulting in sick leave by period off work
Persons reporting an accident at work resulting in sick leave by sex, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
Persons reporting an accident at work resulting in sick leave by sex, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity
Persons taking care of other children or persons in need of care (1 000)
Persons who receive a pension (thousand)
Persons who receive a pension, by type of pension (%)
Persons who reduced their working hours in a move towards retirement (%)
Persons who reduced their working time to care for their youngest child aged less than eight (1 000)
Persons who stopped work to care for their youngest child aged less than eight, by duration of absence (1 000)
Persons who took parental leave to care for their youngest child aged less than eight, by duration of parental leave (1 000)
Persons working as creative and performing artists, authors, journalists and linguists by individual and employment characteristics
Population and employment
Population and employment
Population and employment - quarterly data (discontinued)
Population by country of birth, country of birth of parents, sex, age and labour status (1 000)
Population by country of birth, country of birth of parents, sex, age, educational attainment level and labour status (1 000)
Population by current activity status, occupation and NUTS 2 region
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and labour status (%)
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and labour status (1 000)
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation (%)
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions (%)
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, country of birth and degree of urbanisation (%)
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions (%)
Population by sex, age group, educational attainment level, current activity status and NUTS 3 regions
Population by sex, age, citizenship and labour status (1 000)
Population by sex, age, citizenship and labour status (1 000)
Population by sex, age, citizenship, labour status and degree of urbanisation
Population by sex, age, citizenship, labour status and NUTS 2 regions
Population by sex, age, country of birth and labour status
Population by sex, age, country of birth, labour status and degree of urbanisation
Population by sex, age, country of birth, labour status and NUTS 2 regions
Population by sex, age, educational attainment level and work experience while studying
Population by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and participation in formal education
Population by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and participation in non-formal education and training
Population by sex, citizenship and current activity status
Population by status in employment, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 2 region
Population ready to have more than one hour travel time each way to work by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and labour status
Population ready to move residence to find a job by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and labour status
Population with medium educational attainment not in formal education who never started tertiary education by sex, age, educational attainment level, work experience while studying and reason for not starting tertiary education
Population, activity and inactivity - annual averages (discontinued)
Population, activity and inactivity - quarterly data (discontinued)
Population, aged 15-74 (EU labour force survey concept) - thousand of persons
Prevalence of disability by sex, age and labour status
Prevalence of disability by sex, age and marital status
Prevalence of disability by sex, age and occupation
Previous occupations of the unemployed, by sex (1 000)
Previous occupations of the unemployed, by sex (1 000)
Private health expenditure as a percent of GDP (%) (discontinued)
Productive Capacities Index
Proportion of persons living in jobless households
Proportion of population covered by social protection floors/systems (%)
Public expenditure on labour market policies, by type of action (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Public expenditure on labour market policy measures, by type of action (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Public expenditure on labour market policy supports, by type of action (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Public health expenditure as a percent of GDP (%) (discontinued)
Public health expenditure as a percent of General Government Expenditure (%) (discontinued)
Real labour productivity per person employed - annual data
Real labour productivity per person employed - quarterly data
Registered Unemployed 15-74 years, by Country Background, World Region and Sex, Norway
Registered workplaces that could be selected for labour inspection
Regular farm labour force, by sex (discontinued)
Relative incidence rate of accidental injuries at work by severity, permanency of the job, length of service in the enterprise and economic activity of the employer (EU mean rate = 100 for each severity)
Relative incidence rate of accidental injuries at work by severity, working hours and sex (EU mean rate = 100 for each severity)
Relative incidence rate of accidental injuries at work by working hours, number of job contract, economic activity of the employer, age and sex (EU mean rate = 100)
Relative prevalence rate of work-related health problems by severity, diagnosis group, permanency of the job, length of service in the enterprise and economic activity of the employer
Relative standardised incidence rate of accidental injuries at work by permanency of the job, length of service in the enterprise and economic activity of the employer (mean rate for each Member State = 100)
SBS data by NUTS 2 regions and NACE Rev. 2 (from 2008 onwards)
Self defined health status by income level by sex and age (source: ECHP)
Self-employed persons by business partners, sex and professional status
Self-employed persons by main difficulty as self-employed, sex and professional status
Self-employed persons by main reason for becoming self-employed, sex and professional status
Self-employed persons by number and importance of clients in the last 12 months and sex
Self-employed persons by planned hiring of employees or subcontractors, sex and professional status
Self-employed persons having at least one client in the last 12 months by control over working time, and sex
Self-employed persons without employees by main reason for not having employees, sex and country of birth
Self-employment by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Self-employment by sex, age and country of birth (1 000)
Self-employment by sex, age and economic activity (1983-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) - 1 000
Self-employment by sex, age and economic activity (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) - 1 000
Self-employment by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Self-employment by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Self-employment by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Self-employment by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Self-employment by sex, age and occupation (1 000)
Self-employment by sex, age and occupation (1 000)
Self-employment by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
Self-employment by sex, age, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
Self-studying (with printed materials) participants by educational attainment level and labour status
Services by employment size class (NACE Rev. 2, H-N, S95)
Share of people having income greater or equal to specific national thresholds by age and sex
Share of training hours spent on health and safety at work, by NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Share of training hours spent on health and safety at work, by size class (discontinued)
Share of unemployed receiving regular periodic social security unemployment benefits (%)
Share of unemployed receiving regular periodic social security unemployment benefits by schemes and sex (%)
Share of unemployed receiving regular periodic social security unemployment benefits by sex (%) (discontinued)
Shares of environmental and labour taxes in total tax revenues from taxes and social contributions (discontinued)
Shift work patterns used by employees, by sex, age and economic activity
Shift work patterns used by employees, by sex, age and occupation
Social security and other labour costs paid by employer
Staff access deficit by rural / urban areas (% of population not covered due to health professional staff deficit) (%) (discontinued)
Standardised incidence rate of accidents at work by economic activity and employment status
Standardised incidence rate of accidents at work by economic activity and size of enterprise
Standardised incidence rate of accidents at work by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity, severity and age
Standardised incidence rate of accidents at work by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity, severity and sex
Standardised incidence rate of fatal accidents at work by Member State and age, excluding road traffic accidents and accidents on board of any mean of transport in the course of work
Statutory nominal gross monthly minimum wage -- Harmonized series
Statutory nominal gross monthly minimum wage (local currency) (discontinued)
Structure of costs of CVT courses per employee in enterprises with CVT courses (PPS)
Structure of costs of CVT courses per participant (PPS)
Structure of labour cost as % of total cost - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Structure of labour cost as % of total cost by NUTS 1 regions
Structure of labour cost by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of total cost, LCS survey 2004
Structure of labour cost by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of total cost, LCS survey 2008
Structure of labour cost by NACE Rev. 2 activity - % of total cost, LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Structure of labour cost by NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions - % of total cost, LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Structure of labour costs (%) - NACE Rev. 2
Supplementary indicators to unemployment by sex and age - annual average, 1 000 persons and % (discontinued)
Supplementary indicators to unemployment by sex and age - quarterly average, 1 000 persons and % (discontinued)
Supplementary indicators to unemployment by sex and citizenship - annual average (discontinued)
Supplementary indicators to unemployment by sex and educational attainment level - annual average (discontinued)
Supplementary indicators to unemployment by sex and educational attainment level - quarterly average (discontinued)
Tax rate on low wage earners - Low wage trap
Tax rate on low wage earners - Unemployment trap
Tax rate on low wage earners - Unemployment trap
Tax rate on low wage earners: Tax wedge on labour costs
Temporary employees as a percentage of the total number of employees, by sex and age (%)
Temporary employees as percentage of the total number of employees, by sex and age (%) (discontinued)
Temporary employees as percentage of the total number of employees, by sex, age and citizenship (%)
Temporary employees as percentage of the total number of employees, by sex, age and country of birth (%)
Temporary employees by sex, age and duration of the work contract (1 000)
Temporary employees by sex, age and duration of the work contract (1 000)
Temporary employees by sex, age and economic activity (1983-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) - 1 000
Temporary employees by sex, age and economic activity (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1) - 1 000
Temporary employees by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Temporary employees by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000
Temporary employees by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Temporary employees by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Temporary employees by sex, age and main reason
Temporary employees by sex, age and occupation (1 000)
Temporary employees by sex, age and occupation (1 000)
Temporary employees by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
Temporary employees by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
Temporary employment agency workers by sex, age and NACE Rev. 2 activity
Temporary staff: labour cost, number of employees and number of hours worked
Third country nationals ordered to leave by citizenship, age and sex - quarterly data (rounded)
Time spent in unpaid forms of work (as main or secondary activity) by sex and by form of work - collection round 2000
Timely activation - share of LMP entrants not previously long-term unemployed (source: DG EMPL) (discontinued)
Total and active population by sex, age, employment status, residence one year prior to the census and NUTS 3 regions
Total employment rate (discontinued)
Total employment rate by sex
Total health expenditure as a percent of GDP (%) (discontinued)
Total health expenditure as a percent of GDP by institutional sector (%) (discontinued)
Total Labour Force and Agriculture Labour Force, annual, 1980-2020 (Discontinued)
Total R&D personnel by sectors of performance, occupation and sex
Total unemployment rate
Total unemployment rate (discontinued)
Total wages and salaries
Training enterprises as % of all enterprises, by type of training and NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Training enterprises as % of all enterprises, by type of training and NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Training enterprises as % of all enterprises, by type of training and size class (discontinued)
Training enterprises: % of reasons having an influence on the scope of the enterprise's CVT activities by NACE Rev. 1.1 (discontinued)
Training enterprises: % of reasons having an influence on the scope of the enterprise's CVT activities by size class (discontinued)
Training enterprises: % of reasons having an influence on the scope of the enterprise's CVT activities, by NACE Rev. 2 (discontinued)
Transition from employment to unemployment by sex, age and degree of urbanisation - annual averages of quarterly transitions, estimated probabilities
Transition from employment to unemployment by sex, age and type of contract - annual averages of quarterly transitions, estimated probabilities
Transition from fixed term contracts to permanent contracts by sex and age - annual averages of quarterly transitions, estimated probabilities
Transition from inactivity to employment by sex, age and labour market attachment- annual averages of quarterly transitions, estimated probabilities
Transition from part-time work to full-time work by sex and age - annual averages of quarterly transitions, estimated probabilities
Transition from unemployment to employment by sex, age and degree of urbanisation - annual averages of quarterly transitions, estimated probabilities
Transition from unemployment to employment by sex, age and duration of unemployment - annual averages of quarterly transitions, estimated probabilities
Transition from unemployment to employment by sex, age and previous work experience - annual averages of quarterly transitions, estimated probabilities
Turnover of the non-financial business economy by size class of employment (discontinued)
Unemployed by sex, age and type of employment sought (1 000)
Unemployment by sex and age - annual average
Unemployment by sex and age - annual average, 1 000 persons (discontinued)
Unemployment by sex and age - monthly average
Unemployment by sex and age - monthly average, 1 000 persons (discontinued)
Unemployment by sex and age - quarterly average
Unemployment by sex and age - quarterly average, 1 000 persons (discontinued)
Unemployment by sex and age (thousands)
Unemployment by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Unemployment by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Unemployment by sex, age and duration of unemployment (1 000)
Unemployment by sex, age and duration of unemployment (1 000)
Unemployment by sex, age and other typologies
Unemployment by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
Unemployment by sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
Unemployment by sex, age, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
Unemployment by sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
Unemployment by sex, age, duration of unemployment and distinction registration/benefits (%)
Unemployment rate
Unemployment rate
Unemployment rate - 3 year average
Unemployment rate - annual data
Unemployment rate - quarterly data, seasonally adjusted
Unemployment rate by age
Unemployment rate by education level
Unemployment rate by educational attainment level (Discontinued)
Unemployment rate by sex, age, educational attainment level and work experience while studying
Unemployment rates by sex, age and citizenship (%)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and country of birth (%)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and degree of urbanisation (%)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and educational attainment level (%)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and educational attainment level (%)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and nationality (%)
Unemployment rates by sex, age and other typologies
Unemployment rates by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation
Unemployment rates by sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
Unemployment rates by sex, age, country of birth and degree of urbanisation
Unemployment rates by sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
Unemployment rates of the population aged 25-64 by educational attainment level
Unit labour cost - annual data (discontinued)
Unit labour cost - quarterly data (discontinued)
Unit labour cost performance related to the Euro area - annual data
Young people living in households with very low work intensity by sex and country of birth (discontinued)
Young people living in households with very low work intensity by sex, age and living/not living with parents
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex and NUTS 2 regions (NEET rates)
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age and educational attainment level (NEET rates)
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age and labour status (NEET rates)
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age and labour status (NEET rates)
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age, citizenship and degree of urbanisation (NEET rates)
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions (NEET rates)
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age, country of birth and degree of urbanisation (NEET rates)
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions (NEET rates)
Young people neither in employment nor in education and training by type of disability, sex and age
Young people's social origin, educational attainment level and labour outcomes in Europe
Young temporary employees as percentage of the total number of employees, by sex, age and country of birth
Youth employment by sex, age and educational attainment level
Youth employment rate by sex, age and country of birth
Youth employment rate by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions
Youth labour force participation rate (%) (discontinued)
Youth long-term unemployment rate (12 months or longer) by sex and age
Youth long-term unemployment rate (12 months or longer) by sex and NUTS 2 regions
Youth self-employment by sex, age and educational attainment level
Youth transitions from education to working life in Europe (in number of months)
Youth unemployment by sex, age and educational attainment level
Youth unemployment rate - % of active population aged 15-24
Youth unemployment rate by sex and NUTS 2 regions
Youth unemployment rate by sex, age and country of birth
Youth unemployment ratio by sex and age