Northern Territory
Capital City:Darwin
First Person Title:Chief Minister
First Person Name:Michael Patrick Francis Gunner
Second Person Title:Administrator
Second Person Name:Vicki O'Halloran
Gross State Product per Capita, $:103763 (2017)
Unemployment Rate, %:3,90 (2018)
Average Weekly Cash Earnings, $:1 459,6 (2018)
Estimated Resident Population, Persons:246700 (2017)
Total Fertility Rate, Births per Woman:1,98 (2016)
Standardised Death Rate, Deaths per 1000 Population:7,21 (2016)
Infant Mortality Rate, Infant Deaths per 1000 Live Births:8,00 (2016)
Official Web-Site of the Region
Gross State Product, $ Millions:25427 (2017)
Real Gross State Income per Capita, $:106215 (2017)
Gross Agricultural Value Added at Basic Prices, $ Millions:222 (2014)
Value of Housing Finance Commitments, $ Thousands:130693,08333 (2014)
Private New Capital Expenditure, Current Price, $ Millions:1890 (2014)
Total Wages and Salaries, $ Millions:1505 (2014)
Gross Household Disposable Income per Capita, $:55239 (2014)
Participation Rate, %:74,91 (2015)
Underemployment Rate, %:4,36 (2015)
Crime Rate, Rate per 100000 Population:6 357,8 (2014)
Students to Teacher Ratio, Students per Teacher:12,1 (2014)
Number of Schools:190